Students will be knowledgeable about the following: Options After High School Standardized Testing Researching Colleges Applying for College Family Connection
A-Car - Mrs. Gaskins Cas-F - Mr. Brown G-Kh - Mrs. Handville Ki-Om - Mrs. Casillas Op-Se - Mr. Jackson Sf- Z - Ms. George College and Career Counselor – Mrs. Kellogg Director of Counseling – Mr. Supon
Trade & Technical School 4-year college 2-year college Military
START EARLY if you are thinking of enlisting Contact recruiters this summer Sign up to take the ASVAB in the fall ROTC options at four year colleges Enlistment vs. officer
Check out the many offerings at NVCC ◦ Certificates (many in less than two years) If NVCC doesn’t have what you want, do your research ◦ Culinary Institute, Universal Technical Institute, ECPI, Paul Mitchell the school, etc. can be great options, but read the fine print
2-year options: Community College (Northern Virginia Community College NOVA) ◦ PATHWAYS PROGRAM Application deadline: November, 2015 ◦ Earn a Certificate (C or CSC), Applied Associates Degree (AAA or AAS), Associates Degree (AS or AA) to enter the College Transfer Program ◦ Guaranteed Admissions Programs available at many VA schools ◦ Right in our backyard, a great bargain, small classes … especially if you aren’t sure what you want to do
How to find the “best fit:” ◦ Coursework, average GPA and test scores ◦ Majors ◦ Location ◦ Size ◦ Athletics ◦ Population demographics ◦ Clubs and organizations, Greek Life ◦ Military affiliation Use SuperMatch™ college search on Family Connection
Visit as many colleges as possible this summer to narrow down your list Create a solid list of 4-6 schools that you will apply to ◦ Include reach, target and safety schools (majority target schools) Know the application deadlines for the colleges where you are applying ◦ Early decision: apply early, find out early, BINDING ◦ Early action: apply early, find out early, non- binding ◦ Regular decision
If possible, take the SAT and ACT spring of junior year. Then, retake one fall of senior year. Spend the summer preparing for whichever test you will take in the fall SAT vs. ACT ◦ SAT – intelligence test ◦ ACT – aptitude test Fee waivers are available if you qualify - See Mrs. Kellogg Send your scores to schools BEFORE you take the test ◦ Schools use the best score
Family Connection Use to research colleges, scholarships, see upcoming college visits and events, order transcripts, and much more. Link on Gar-Field webpage Username: student id number Password: birthday (mmddyy)
Reps from schools all over VA and surrounding states visit GFHS throughout the fall Sign up on Family Connection ◦ You can find upcoming visits under the “colleges” tab Print out your registration confirmation, this is your pass! Tips ◦ Have 2 questions ready to ask each representative such as “ How large is your average class?” or “What is the average GPA for incoming freshmen?” ◦ Try out at least one college you have never heard of.
Check any colleges or universities you are interested in for potential institutional scholarships ◦ Check out college websites for early scholarship deadlines! Family Connection has a list of national and local scholarships Apply to any and all that you are eligible for, it’s FREE MONEY!
Make post-graduation plans ◦ Trade School? 2-year college? 4-year college? ◦ Develop a timeline and set deadlines Prepare for SAT/ACT Register/take the SAT/ACT Research and visit colleges Finalize list of colleges to apply to APPLY!
Are you a first generation college student? You have an additional opportunity to participate in a new program that will give you extra information. You will learn how to get into college, pay for college and stay in college. (40% of college students don't graduate). We will meet 1-2 times a month. If you are interested, your name, student ID# and preferred address to The subject line should be your name.