Pleuronectiformes1 Order Pleuronectiformes Flatfish
Pleuronectiformes2 What is a flatfish? Easy to recognize since this is the only group of fishes that is not bilaterally symmetrical oThe “ventral” side of the body is eyeless and white, while the “dorsal” is dark and has both eyes oSwim by the undulation of the body, and usually remain close to the bottom
Pleuronectiformes3 Pleuronectiform Habits Most spp. are found on soft bottoms on the continental shelf Abundant, supports recreational and commercial fisheries
Flatfish have the remarkable ability to blend with their surroundings
Pleuronectiformes5 Flatfish Ontogeny All flatfish start life as bilaterally symmetrical larvae o*Metamorphose* oChange from pelagic bilaterally symmetrical larvae to a benthic asymmetrical juveniles
Pleuronectiformes6 I thought Left-eye was in TLC? Left-eye Sinistral Right-eye Dextral
Pleuronectiformes7 Flatfish Taxonomy Family Bothidae oLeft-eye flounders Family Pleuronectidae oRight-eye Family Soleidae oSole Family Cynoglossidae oTonguefish
Pleuronectiformes8 Family Bothidae Left-eye flounder Common species: oOcellated flounder (Ancylopsetta quadrocellata) oSummer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) oSouthern flounder (Paralichthys lethostigma) Ocellated flounder
Pleuronectiformes9 Bothid Characteristics Caudal fin is separate from the dorsal fin Pectoral fins are present, large eyes Many are lie-in-wait piscivorous predators Fourspot Flounder
Pleuronectiformes10 Summer Flounder Commonly confused with the southern flounder and gulf flounder Easily distinguished by the five distinct ocelli oGulf flounder have 3 ocelli oSouthern flounder lack ocelli
Pleuronectiformes11 Family Pleuronectidae Right-eye flounder Common species: oWinter flounder (Pleuronectes americanus) oAtlantic Halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) Winter Flounder
Pleuronectiformes12 Pleuronectidae Characteristics Same characteristics as mentioned with the Bothids oAbundant in colder temperate waters oThe pacific halibut can reach 10’ & 770 lbs. Atlantic Halibut
Pleuronectiformes13 Family Soleidae Sole Common species: oHogchoker (Trinectes maculatus) oNaked Sole (Gymnachirus melas)
Pleuronectiformes14 Soleidae Characteristics Right eyed Caudal fin is usually separate Pectoral fins may be absent or present Eyes are small, head is rounded, no snout Hogchoker
Pleuronectiformes15 I Bet it’s Never Seen a Hog Not commercially viable Will adhere to everything and anything, making them problematic to handle
Pleuronectiformes16 Family Cynoglossidae Tonguefish Common species: oBlackcheek Tonguefish (Symphurus plagiusa)
Pleuronectiformes17 Cynoglossidae Characteristics Left eyed Anal and caudal fin are confluent oPectoral fins are absent oEyes are very small Caribbean Tonguefish