Culinary Arts Dessert Plating Mrs. Gigi D. Garcia
Main item Sauces Crunch component Garnish Four components of a plated dessert: Main item Sauces Crunch component Garnish
Components: Main Item, Sauce, Garnish A plated dessert should have all components, but if it lacks any one of these items (except for the main item) it can still be a plated dessert.
It is also widely believed that all of the components should be edible, and many chefs also believe that each component should be eaten
The Main Item
The main item of a plated dessert is the actual dessert itself It should never be so large that is overwhelming. It should be the main focal point of the dessert presentation
It should also be the main source of flavor for the presentation while the other components contrast and complement it.
In other words, the slice of cake (or whatever the dessert is) is the most important part of the dessert and should not be over whelmed or lost among the other components.
The Sauce
Sauce is very important for dry items like pies and cakes. Dessert sauces can be manipulated like paint and create fun designs.
Some have the sauce poured right on top – as in the case of an ice cream sundae for example.
Some desserts even make their own sauce such as flan.
Crunch Component Almond lace cookies to provide that crunch. Notice too that the sauce on the plate matches the sauce on the top of the cake, and the second sauce was used to pipe chocolate dots on top of the cake which mirrors the cake layer
A crunch component is exactly how it sounds A crunch component is exactly how it sounds. It is an added component that adds a crunch to the dessert. . The main idea behind a crunch component is to add contrast.
toasted / dessicated coconut A nice crunch awakens the mouth so the dessert can be enjoyed at its max – from first bite to last bite. toasted / dessicated coconut
Peanuts & Chocolate Chips
Streusel Topping Blueberry Muffin w/ Streusel Topping
Garnish Common garnishes include fresh mint leaves, powdered sugar, chocolate piping, fruit, chocolate and sugar works.
Powdered Sugar , Choco Piping, Sugar Works
Dessert plating with all four components Crunch Main Item Garnish Sauce