Parliamentary Procedure
Define and demonstrate the proper way to say the 8 incidental motions Define and demonstrate the proper way to say the 8 incidental motions Define and demonstrate the proper way to say the 3 unclassified motions Define and demonstrate the proper way to say the 3 unclassified motions
Appeal from the decision of the chair Appeal from the decision of the chair Division of the assembly Division of the assembly Division of the question Division of the question Object to the consideration of the question Object to the consideration of the question Point of order Point of order Parliamentary inquiry Parliamentary inquiry Suspend the rules Suspend the rules Withdraw a motion Withdraw a motion
Purpose Purpose To reverse the decision of the chairman, after they have made an error. To reverse the decision of the chairman, after they have made an error. Requires a second Requires a second Not amendable Not amendable Debatable (this is the only motion where President can discuss) Debatable (this is the only motion where President can discuss)
Majority vote Majority vote Can interrupt another speaker Can interrupt another speaker Most of the time you should support the decision of your president. Most of the time you should support the decision of your president.
“Mr. President I appeal the decision of the chair.” “Mr. President I appeal the decision of the chair.” President should say “Appeal the decision of the chair has been called, all those who wish to uphold the decision of the chair say I, all opposed same sign.” President should say “Appeal the decision of the chair has been called, all those who wish to uphold the decision of the chair say I, all opposed same sign.”
Purpose Purpose When called, this forces a immediate revote by hand When called, this forces a immediate revote by hand Does not require a second Does not require a second Not amendable Not amendable Not debatable Not debatable No vote needed No vote needed Can interrupt another speaker Can interrupt another speaker
Can be made by saying “division” loud enough for the entire group to hear Can be made by saying “division” loud enough for the entire group to hear Or by standing and saying “I call for a division of the house” Or by standing and saying “I call for a division of the house”
Purpose Purpose This motion allows a motion that has been made to be split into two different motions This motion allows a motion that has been made to be split into two different motions This can only be made on motions that have two main ideas that are not dependent on each other This can only be made on motions that have two main ideas that are not dependent on each other Requires a second Requires a second Not debatable Not debatable Amendable Amendable Majority vote Majority vote Can not interrupt another speaker Can not interrupt another speaker
Motion on the floor, I move to buy a boat and go to the zoo. Motion on the floor, I move to buy a boat and go to the zoo. Madam President, I move to divide this motion into two motions. The first stating the we buy a boat and the second that we go to the zoo. Madam President, I move to divide this motion into two motions. The first stating the we buy a boat and the second that we go to the zoo.
Purpose Purpose Used when a member thinks that the activity or action of the group is not appropriate. Used when a member thinks that the activity or action of the group is not appropriate. Does not require a second Does not require a second Not amendable Not amendable Not debatable Not debatable 2/3 vote 2/3 vote Can interrupt another speaker Can interrupt another speaker
Mr. President, I object to the consideration of this question. Mr. President, I object to the consideration of this question. President should say “Objection to the consideration has been called. All those who wish to consider the motion raise your right hand. All those who object to the consideration of this question same sign. President should say “Objection to the consideration has been called. All those who wish to consider the motion raise your right hand. All those who object to the consideration of this question same sign.
Purpose Purpose Used when a member thinks that the rules of the group or the rules of parliamentary procedure are being violated. Used when a member thinks that the rules of the group or the rules of parliamentary procedure are being violated. Does not require a second Does not require a second Not amendable Not amendable Not debatable Not debatable President decides on verdict President decides on verdict Can interrupt another speaker Can interrupt another speaker
Mr. President, I rise to a point of order. Mr. President, I rise to a point of order. President says, “State your point” President says, “State your point” After member states point, president says “your point is well taken” or “Your point is not well taken” After member states point, president says “your point is well taken” or “Your point is not well taken”
Purpose Purpose Used to ask a question about parliamentary law Used to ask a question about parliamentary law Does not require a second Does not require a second Not amendable Not amendable Not debatable Not debatable President gives an opinion President gives an opinion Cannot interrupt another speaker Cannot interrupt another speaker
“ I rise to a parliamentary inquiry.” “ I rise to a parliamentary inquiry.” Chair “State your inquiry” Chair “State your inquiry” Member “What is the vote required on…?” Member “What is the vote required on…?”
Purpose Purpose allows the chapter to break the rules of parliamentary procedure, or the current constitution for a short period of time. allows the chapter to break the rules of parliamentary procedure, or the current constitution for a short period of time. Requires a second Requires a second Not amendable Not amendable Not debatable Not debatable 2/3 vote 2/3 vote Can not interrupt another speaker Can not interrupt another speaker
“I move to suspend the standing rules of no cell phones in the meeting as my grandmother is in the hospital” “I move to suspend the standing rules of no cell phones in the meeting as my grandmother is in the hospital”
Purpose Purpose This motion allows for the maker of a motion to change a motion or completely take it off the floor for discussion. This motion allows for the maker of a motion to change a motion or completely take it off the floor for discussion. Not amendable Not amendable Not debatable Not debatable If made before President first states the motion it is automatically withdrawn with no second or vote. If made before President first states the motion it is automatically withdrawn with no second or vote.
“Mr. President, I would like to withdraw my motion.” “Mr. President, I would like to withdraw my motion.”
Reconsider Reconsider Rescind Rescind Take from the Table Take from the Table
Purpose Purpose to reevaluate a decision that was made earlier to reevaluate a decision that was made earlier Requires a second Requires a second Not amendable Not amendable Debatable Debatable Majority vote Majority vote Can not interrupt another speaker Can not interrupt another speaker If passed, the motion to be reconsidered is handled just as if it was never voted on If passed, the motion to be reconsidered is handled just as if it was never voted on Only can be made by a person who voted on the winning side Only can be made by a person who voted on the winning side If passed the motion is handled immediately if: If passed the motion is handled immediately if: only a main motion with amendments is on the floor. only a main motion with amendments is on the floor.
Can not interrupt another speaker Can not interrupt another speaker If passed, the motion to be reconsidered is handled just as if it was never voted on If passed, the motion to be reconsidered is handled just as if it was never voted on Only can be made by a person who voted on the winning side Only can be made by a person who voted on the winning side If passed the motion is handled immediately if: If passed the motion is handled immediately if: only a main motion with amendments is on the floor. only a main motion with amendments is on the floor. Handled after the current business if: Handled after the current business if: discussion on refer to committee, or postponement has started. discussion on refer to committee, or postponement has started.
Motions that can be reconsidered Motions that can be reconsidered Main motions Main motions Amendments Amendments Refer to committee Refer to committee Postpone definitely Postpone definitely Previous question Previous question Appeal the decision of the chair Appeal the decision of the chair Only if failed Only if failed Withdraw Withdraw Only if passed Only if passed Postpone Indefinitely Postpone Indefinitely
Mr President, I move to reconsider the motion to buy a boat. Mr President, I move to reconsider the motion to buy a boat.
Purpose Purpose To REPEAL PREVIOUS ACTION To REPEAL PREVIOUS ACTION Requires a Second Requires a Second Debatable Debatable Amendable Amendable 2/3 without notice or majority vote with notice 2/3 without notice or majority vote with notice Can not interrupt another speaker Can not interrupt another speaker
Madam President, I move that we reconsider the vote to buy a boat Madam President, I move that we reconsider the vote to buy a boat
Purpose Purpose To take a motion that is on the table off of the table. To take a motion that is on the table off of the table. Requires a second Requires a second not amendable not amendable Not debatable Not debatable Majority vote Majority vote Can not interrupt another speaker Can not interrupt another speaker
I move to take the motion that reads to buy a boat from the table. I move to take the motion that reads to buy a boat from the table.
Define and demonstrate the proper way to say the 8 incidental motions Define and demonstrate the proper way to say the 8 incidental motions Define and demonstrate the proper way to say the 3 unclassified motions Define and demonstrate the proper way to say the 3 unclassified motions