Doral Charter Academy Middle School Forensics
Forensic Science Forensic Science is a one- semester investigative science course, in which students will learn how to observe, collect, analyze and evaluate evidence found at crime scenes. Some topics we will discuss are: Crime Scene Investigations Collecting and Analyzing different types of Evidence DNA, Prints & Impressions Identifying an Individual
Bachelor’s of Science degree in Elementary Education. Multiple Certifications: –Elementary K-6, Middle grades Science 5-9, Spanish K-12 and ESOL endorsement. Teaching experience in various grade levels. Joined the Doral Academy Family in Ms. Lucy Apaza
1.Treat each other with respect. 2.Be on time and come prepared. 3.Turn off all cell phones and electronic devices. 4.Raise your hand to speak or stand up. 5.Follow directions the first time given. 6.Clean up after yourselves. 7.Take responsibility for your actions.
Classroom Rules Cont. If student chooses not to comply with class rules, disciplinary action will be taken. Verbal warning F in conduct for the day Call to parent After School Detention & Referral to administration
Grades are assigned using the following scale: % - A 80-89% - B 70-79% - C 60-69% - D 59 % - F Late work will NOT be accepted. Assignments that are not turned in receive a Z in the grade book. Make-up work will only be given when the child’s absence is excused by the office. It is the child’s responsibility to ask for make-up work.
Serve as support with student home learning assignments Check Doral Academy website MDCPS Parent Portal & Student Portal Keep lines of communication open * * * If you haven’t already done so, please * * * pay $20.00 Science Lab Fee. Payments must be made in CASH ONLY before October 25 th, 2012.
The school requires parents to complete 30 volunteer hours for the school year. You can complete these by attending events like today, participating in school activities, or by making donations to your child’s teachers. Any supplies turned in, must have a receipt attached, and you will be credited at 1 hour for ever $3.33 spent. My wish list will be posted and updated on a quarterly basis.