Protocols for a Multidisciplinary Response to Juvenile Sex Trafficking SGT. JOHN FISHBAUGHER, ROCHESTER POLICE DEPARTMENT-STREET CRIMES UNIT
Rochester Police Department’s History with Sex Trafficking Rochester Police Department implemented the Street Crimes Unit. (SCU) SCU conducts first undercover operation targeting prostitution. RPD gets the support from the Olmsted County Attorney’s Office on prosecuting “john” cases and begin diversion programs for persons arrested for prostitution. SCU conducts first undercover operation targeting human/sex trafficking at an Asian Massage Parlor 2011-SCU charges a trafficker for the first time in RPD history. SCU rescues first juvenile victim of sex trafficking
Rochester Police Department’s History with Sex Trafficking Mandatory fee’s and “john” school implemented by the Olmsted County Attorney’s Office for all buyers of trafficking victims. Begin working with Olmsted County Victim Services on providing services for all victims of sex trafficking 2014-Olmsted County Victims Services is chose to represent the SE MN Safe Harbor Region with a Regional Navigator. Olmsted County Human Trafficking Task Force is formed.
Rochester Police Department’s History with Sex Trafficking 2014 to present: Presentations on the topic of traffic to multiple L.E. Groups, NGO, Govt. Organizations, Faith and Community Based Groups. Have worked with Olmsted County Victim Services, SE MN Regional Navigator, Olmsted County Attorney’s Office, Olmsted County Probation and Olmsted County Social Services with coming up with a procedure and protocol when dealing with juvenile and adult victims of sex trafficking. “John” letter is implemented after community concern about the unheard victims of trafficking Since May 2014 SCU has arrested: 15 traffickers 31 suspects for offering to hire someone under the age of 15 for prostitution 47 suspects for offering to hire someone over the age of 18 for prostitution Have referred approximately 60 victims of trafficking for services
OJP Grant Grant combatting Sex Trafficking in SE MN Working with outside agencies Training LE/other govt. agencies and educating the public
RPD perspective of multidisciplinary response
Why it works for RPD We have the same end goal as all the groups we work with. Provide all victims the opportunity to live a healthy productive life in society away from the trafficking world by assisting them with all our resources available. Proactively target and prosecute the traffickers and buyers of the victims of sex trafficking.
RPD Procedure Coming into contact with victims Field Contact Undercover operations
RPD Procedure Field Contact Pre-planned where we receive information of a high risk individual. Regional Navigator or Olmsted County Victim Services always assist us in the field on these contacts. Contact is made and our concern is shared with the individual and Victim Services offers their assistance.
RPD Procedure UC operations Cooperative, requesting help or all juveniles Will always call Regional Navigator or Olmsted County Victim Services Will either transport victim to S.E.R.N or OCVS, or they will come to the scene No charges filed
RPD Procedure UC operations Non-Cooperative Adult Will transport to ADC and will be held on probable cause charges. S.E.R.N or OCVS and Olmsted County Attorney’s Office will be contacted and informed of situation. Will be held until the next morning where they will meet with S.E.R.N or OCVS prior to arraignments. They will meet with Cindy Powell from O.C.C. and go through a risk assessment After this period and they are requesting assistance they will be given that assistance. They will not go through the arraignment process and are released with assistance provided to them by SERN and OCVS.
RPD Procedure UC operations They will be charged, but the charges will be later dismissed/adjudicated after they have completed the recommendations by SEMNRN, Olmsted County Attorney’s Office and Olmsted County Victim Services
RPD Procedure UC operations Some are completely uncooperative and do not want to follow the recommendations of the SEMNRN and Olmsted County Victim Services. They will go through the normal court proceedings through the criminal justice system. SCU will continue to monitor their activity to try to assist them at a later date
RPD Procedure RPD is in close contact with all the agencies/groups we work with monitoring all cases where victims have been identified. Office Numbers Cell phone number One on One contact
Case Study “Asian Tuina Massage” July 2015 numerous complaints of possible sex trafficking at the Asian Tuina Massage Parlor. RPD conducted knock and talk and through a language line the law and licensing ordinances where discussed. August 2015 Olmsted County conducts UC operation an Romantic Asian Massage in neighboring jurisdiction and determined the two females arrested were victims of sex trafficking December 2015 RPD conducts UC operation at the massage parlor. After investigation “QW” offered sexual services to UC and she was detained. SERN Laura Sutherland was contacted
Case Study “Asian Tuina Massage” Language line interview determined that ‘QW” did not want any services and denied being trafficked with SERN Sutherland and investigators “QW” was detained and transported to the ADC on PC for Prostitution. County Attorney was notified on the circumstances SERN Sutherland contacted IMAA (Intercultural Mutual Assistance Association)
Case Study “Asian Tuina Massage” “QW” met with IMAA and SERN Sutherland the morning of her arraignment where she requested services. “QW” provided information which assisted in the investigation of her traffickers to LE She was released from the ADC and received assistance from IMAA and SERN Sutherland The charges that “QW” was held on were dismissed
Case Study “Asian Tuina Massage” Our goals were met “QW” was rescued from trafficking, given assistance with basic needs, housing and immigration status The business was shut down locally Federal Agencies where informed of the operation to assist them in investigating the traffickers on a federal level
Local Partners in this Case RPD SCU MNSERN Laura Sutherland IMAA Olmsted County Victim Services Rochester Women’s Shelter Olmsted County ADC Olmsted County Attorney’s Office Rochester Building and Safety
Questions?? Sgt. John Fishbaugher Rochester Police Dept. Street Crimes Unit th Street Rochester MN Office: