FS&N School Staff Meeting July, 2015
Agenda 1.Apologies 2.Minutes of Last Meeting. 3.Matters Arising 4.HoS’s Statement 5.Safety 6.Items from Student Education Committee (PK) 7.Items from Research Committee 8.Items from Postgraduate Committee (AM) 9.Admissions and Widening Participation 10.Finance (MM) 11.HR Issues (MT) 12.Athena Swan (MT) 13.AOB 14.Date of Next Meeting – September, 2015.
4. HoS’s Statement IPE – where the money came from/went Financial Plans Space Employability/Student satisfaction REF
IPE (Thursday, 14 th May) The 1 st Year of the staffing plan was included in our finances Years 2 and 3 were included for approval of the direction of travel The VC wanted everything done in 1 year We submitted revised plans
Income (Forecast) Income (£k) Home/EU UG1558 International UG936 Home/EU PGT237 International PGT1211 Home/EU PGR86 International PGR383 QR & Other RAM and ADF, Elective Students 584 Research recovery319 Miscellaneous94 Total income5408 Income (£k) Home/EU UG1361 International UG792 Home/EU PGT208 International PGT668 Home/EU PGR129 International PGR413 QR & Other RAM and ADF, Elective Students 606 Research recovery294 Miscellaneous85 Total income4556
Expenditure (Forecast) Expenditure (£k) Staff costs1980 Direct non-staff costs (eg 22 accounts) 1117 Indirect non-staff costs (eg heating, space) 1925 Miscellaneous (Transfers, matched funding) 118 Total expenditure (14-15) 5140 Expenditure (£k) Staff costs1823 Direct non-staff costs (eg 22 accounts) 578 Indirect non-staff costs (eg heating, space) 1697 Miscellaneous (Transfers, matched funding) 232 Total expenditure (13-14) 4330
Income/Expenditure (Forecast) for = 268 (in-year surplus) = 969 (cumulative surplus) ww Income (£k) Home/EU UG1558 International UG936 Home/EU PGT237 International PGT1211 Home/EU PGR86 International PGR383 QR & Other RAM and ADF, Elective Students 584 Research recovery 319 Miscellaneous94 Total income5408 Expenditure (£k) Staff costs1980 Direct non-staff costs (eg 22 accounts) 1117 Indirect non-staff costs (eg heating, space) 1925 Miscellaneous (Transfers, matched funding) 118 Total expenditure5140
Space We will acquire additional office space in EC Stoner from September, together with some limited lab space in Parkinson We will acquire laboratory space in September, 2017 We will aim to submit plans to re-unite the School at IPE 2016 – if new building was approved, this would happen around 2021
Employability The University is increasing efforts to get employability figures up. Though we don’t think we have a problem, it isn’t reflected in the figures Please encourage your tutees to go on a year- out programme! Student Satisfaction: the Government is strongly hinting that the fees we can charge will be linked to ‘student satisfaction’….
Data for REF2020 is starting to be collected! The University is seeking information about outputs and impact to be submitted in September – further information in due course
5. Health & Safety (MH)
6. Items from the SEC (PK)
7. Items from R&IC (CO)
Research & Innovation Board COMPETITOR ANALYSIS – RESEARCH GRANTS AND CONTRACTS INCOME (We will circulate this to academic staff and anyone else who is interested)
2013/14 RankInstitution 2010/11 Income £m 2011/12 Income £m 2012/13 Income £m 2013/14 Income £m Total Increase £m Total % Increase 1 The University of Oxford % 2 University College London % 3 The University of Cambridge % 4 Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine % 5 The University of Edinburgh % 6 The University of Manchester % 7 King's College London % 8 The University of Bristol % 9 The University of Glasgow % 10 The University of Leeds % 11 The University of Sheffield % 12 The University of Birmingham % 13 The University of Southampton % 14 The University of Nottingham % 15 The University of Newcastle- upon-Tyne % Top 15 institutions for RGCI between 2010/11 and 2013/14
RCUK Charity UK GovUK IndEU GovEU Other Overse as Other Edinburgh48%22%9%4%11%3%1%2% Manchester38%24%17%9% 2% 0% Leeds32%17%27%7%11%2%1% Proportion of RGCI 2010/11 – 2013/14 by HESA category
Research Council RGCI & awards over £1m 2010/11 to 2013/14 ‘….. if Leeds were to increase its Research Council RGCI just to the level of Manchester this would lift Leeds clear of the closely ranked group of Universities with which it currently competes’
8. Items from PGRC (RE)
9. Admissions & Widening Participation (CE)
10. Finance (CR) End of Financial Year 31 st July 2015 – ensure any outstanding commitments are received and paid by 31st July 2015 Temporary spending budgets will be set from 1 st August 2015 – any commitments not goods receipted by 31 st July 2015 will be automatically deducted from your running costs in 2015/2016
11. HR (CR) New Staff On-Going Recruitment SRDS/Annual Academic Meetings Mentoring Induction Survey People Management Framework
12. Athena Swan (CO/CR) Silver Award – Re-submission by April 2016 School Equality & Inclusion Forum to consider School Action Plan - ongoing.
13. AOB 14. Date of next meeting – ?/9/15