1 The Veterans Business and Leadership Development Program: NCMA's New Initiative for America's Veterans and Their Families Breakout Session #F16 Names: Alan J. Boykin, CPCM and John W. Wilkinson, EdD, CPCM Date: July 31, 2012 Time: 4:00 – 5:15
2 About the VBLDP NCMA’s mission is to advance the contract management profession. VBLDP’s vision is to enrich the lives of Veterans and their families by creating life changing opportunities through NCMA programs and forums.
3 VBLDP Objectives Attendees who successfully complete this program will be able to: 1.Understand how ethical and trustworthy behavior contributes to leadership competency and produces superior results; 2.Develop and achieve performance-based professional development goals through mentoring; 3.Develop and expand a professional networking group; 4.Understand how the policies and practices of NCMA governance are developed and maintained; and 5.Understand and apply techniques to enhance quality of life competencies for themselves and those around them.
4 Target Candidates Veterans and their families who –Demonstrate a passion to make a contribution to their profession, and –Work in contract management or an associated career field. Emphasis will be given to disabled Veterans, and based on need
5 VBLDP Costs Applicant must be an NCMA member when application is submitted No tuition fees Course materials and conference fees are waived ($15k value) Students must fund travel costs (transportation, lodging, food)
6 VBLDP Commitment Commitments upon graduation To serve NCMA for at least 2 years in their local chapters, and To be bound by the CM Code of Ethics
8 VBLDP Structure Business Competency NCMA Governance Leadership Development
9 Business Competency TopicLocation 1.Government Contract Management Conference Washington DC Area 2.National Education SeminarLas Vegas, NV 3.Aerospace and Defense Conference Varies 4.World CongressVaries 5.Ethics & Compliance Courses4 online events with deliverables
10 NCMA Governance TopicLocation 1.2 NCMA Governance CoursesWebinars 2.Board of Directors MeetingGCMC Site 3.Mid-Year Leadership ConferenceLas Vegas, NV 4.Chapter ParticipationVarious
11 Leadership Development TopicLocation 1.8 Online Leadership CoursesWebinars 2.4 All-Day Inresident Leadership CoursesVarious 3.Research Paper Submission 4.3 Mentoring Action Plan Updates Submission 5.NetworkingVarious
12 Faculty Beverly Arviso, CPA, CPCM, Fellow President Arviso, Inc. Melanie Burgess, CPA, CFCM President Burgess Consulting, LLC Michelle M. Currier, CPCM, Fellow Contracts Professor DAU, Norfolk Campus Charles D. Chadwick VP of Contracts & Business Conduct BAE Systems Doris L. Gray, CCCM, Fellow Senior Contracts Manager Avnet Incorporated Thomas E. Kelkis, Fellow Director, Estimating & Pricing BAE Systems, USCS Thomas G. Reid, JD, CPCM Chief Problem Solver Navigant Consulting, Inc. Karen H. Reuter, CPCM, Fellow Consultant, Contract Management VBLDP Joyce L. Tong, JD Attorney Bryan Cave, LLP William Weisberg, JD Partner Bryan Cave, LLP Gary B. Zura, Fellow Founder Contracting Matters, LLC
13 Mentoring Each student will be assigned 2 mentors – Students can select or volunteers can be recruited Commit entire PY to a formal partnership – Develop goals based on student needs – Submit updates to Mentoring Action Plan Mentor training – Orientation (VBLDP Overview & Expectations) – , LinkedIn Group
14 Admission Qualifications: –Experience: CM or related field (ie, logistics, finance, contract law, PM) –Education (desired): Business-related college courses –Must be a Veteran, spouse, or child of Veteran up to age 26 This criteria is from the Dept of VA –Preference given to Veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom, but all eras will be considered
15 Admission (cont) Application package to include: –VBLDP application form –DD 214 –Disability rating letter from Dept of VA (if applicable)
16 Selection Process Ideal candidate should have at least 2 years but not more than 8 years of experience Applicant should not be in a supervisory level position Must provide quality responses to application questions –Thoughtful, clear, and show leadership potential Commitment to giving back to NCMA Letters of recommendation from employer and chapter We are not looking for applicants who are interested in the program to merely enhance their resume
17 PY 13 – 14 Selection Schedule (Tentative) May 1 – June 30, 2013: Call for applications –Under no circumstances will late applications be accepted July – August: Applicant Selection By August 31: Announce new class
18 Future State (Graduates) How do the graduates benefit? –Professional network (peers, instructors, mentors) –Community spirit (Disabled Vets helping Disabled Vets) –Employment and promotion opportunities –Certificate (VBLDP) Graduates reinvest by becoming mentors, chapter leaders, and VBLDP advocates
19 Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Transforming Individual Dreams into National Prosperity Alan J. Boykin, CPCM NCMA Chief Learning Officer John W. Wilkinson. EdD, CPCM President, tHInc, LLC