Potential and Kinetic Energy
How is all energy divided? Potential Energy Kinetic Energy All Energy
What is Potential Energy? oEnergy that is stored and waiting to be used later oPotential energy can be stored due to the matter’s position or its chemical composition.
What is Gravitational Potential Energy? oPotential energy due to an object’s position Don’t look down, Rover! Good boy!
What is Elastic Potential Energy? oPotential energy due to compression or expansion of an elastic object Notice the ball compressing and expanding
What is Chemical Potential Energy? oPotential energy stored within the chemical bonds of an object
What is Kinetic Energy? oEnergy an object has due to its motion
Which box has more gravitational potential energy? 123
Which type of energy is being shown? Potential energy Kinetic energy
When is potential energy represented? When is kinetic? PotentialKinetic