1 Waste Prevention Indicators Huber Reisinger, Webinar,
Contents 2 From objective to indicator Problems How can they be addressed?
Waste prevention objectives 3 Minimise macro-economic costs of meeting our needs Decouple environmental impact from economic growth Reduce emissions Increase resource efficiency Reduce waste generation Reduce pollutants in products / waste Reach people
Deriving indicators from objectives ObjectiveIndicator Minimize macro economic costsTotal macro economic costs Minimize environmental impactsTotal environmental impacts Reduce emissionsCO2, Pb, Cd, Hg…emissions Increase resource efficiencyMaterial consumption (DMC) / BIP Reduce waste generationWaste generation Reduce pollutants in products / waste Pollutant concentration in products/waste Reach peopleNumber of people reached (performance indicator)
Total macro economic costs Correlation with main objective Uncertainty Additional costs Time lag Total life cycle environmental impact Total life cycle emissions Material consumption Waste arisings / composition Activity indicators Connection between mesaure and indicator
Problem (In)-Completeness of Statistics Households and small enterprises Anthropo- genic stock τ =? 100 % = Cd in Batteries sold Separately Collected Batteries ~35 % Cd in coll.batteries Treatment of Residual Waste ~35 % Cd in residues 30 % + ? % ?
Problem exogenous factors Base line = Base area = f (exogenous factors such as economic growth, investment programmes, technological and lifestyle changes, international markets, new EU-rules) Also past may include waste prevention measures
Program adopted Ordinance adopted Stop of Ni- Cd sale Life/residence time of NiCd Time for monitoring Problem time lag: example ban of NiCd
Solutions „Proxy“ indicators: improve waste generation statistics improve waste composition analysis use performance indicators (how many people are reached) With long lasting products (e.g. construction) changes in the input are better/faster to measure use material consumption (e.g. DMC-minerals expressed in raw material equivalents)
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Contakt & Information Hubert Reisinger 11 Umweltbundesamt Webinar Waste Prevention ETC-SCP ■