The Unveiling of Humanity Part 11 The Potential Allows our Heart to Create
The Peaceful Warrior: Knowledge alone does not satisfy or suffice. It has no heart. No amount of knowledge will nourish or sustain our spirit. It can never bring you ultimate happiness or peace. Our life requires more than knowledge. Life requires intense feeling and constant flowing kinetic energy. Life demands movement or action if we are to come out of a static condition and come alive.
Wisdom is action without thinking; spontaneous action, and not to be confused with reaction. Having knowledge of something is not the same as living it. Wisdom remains hidden until we take action with our knowledge.
Understanding this principle of Knowledge, Action and Wisdom I am able to live the life of a peaceful warrior. I don't have to act on knowledge that will cause war. Don't put that knowledge into action; leave it lay.
I can study all the parts and pieces of a gun. I can study how to operate one, how to load, unload, set safeties, or disassemble it. I can study how to shoot it and have all knowledge about it. It's knowledge until I take action and have the gun in my hand and do all those things with it. We are all incompetent if we are depending on knowledge.
Wisdom is acting on that knowledge and practically applying it in our life. Peacefully acquire and overcome. As the great leader Solomon said, "In all things get wisdom." ~dkp~
When I think about the thoughts of Adam and what has been brought to life since the Revelation of our Lord in Humanity I begin to realize that all of creation is an expression of the Lord our Bodies in general when we start breaking into the Micro we start to realize that everything outside of begins to serve a purpose the reveal what is inside.
When I think about the Human body, she being the expressed image of the Spirit, but Divided out to reveal an attribute of the Lord in the earth Our cells and everything about our bodies are produced through our DNA and Mitosis Builds the Body with Identical Cells, but As Individuals we are not Identical we are individuals, Created in the Likeness of mother and fathers, unlike plants that are Identical.
Potential Energy Definition The energy an object has because of its position, rather than its motion.
Kinetic Energy Definition An object held in a person's hand has potential energy, which turns to kinetic energy — the energy of motion — when the person lets it go, and it drops to the ground.
Pro_23:7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.
The Universe is our Potential. It is what we hold in our hand. We control the attributes that are Destined to be imprinted in time as we evolve into ourselves as a whole Individual.
We drop traditions of our Elders that brought us into being and move through thick veils picking up our understanding, our Kinetic Energy is perpetual as our present Moment. What is Potential except that which is before us to reach, take, and use up and that which is also behind for another to move through as we create our avenue.
We live in the Understanding of ONE. All things work together for them that Love the Lord and how can you say you Love the Lord and hate your brother and how can you not love your brother except you serve two Gods both Love and mammon. We know that Love is one
People will say they aren’t my brothers because they haven’t been born again, so I won’t love them. Well if this is true then why is it that the Christ is to be the Kinsman Redeemer as it is said in Liviticus or in Job when Spoke of one to come his Kinsman Redeemer. Was it impossible for Job to make it in because the Redeemer hadn’t even entered into the world? What is it that was to be redeemed?
It was The Kinsman Redeemer, Christ who broke the vail of death and brought forth life. Now it is us that are picking up all of Creation and combining the process of life and death and using it to further the generations into new understandings of Themselves.
The Process of Humanity is serving our purpose to open us up from knowledge into life. The infinite is found in the finite Eternity is found in Time God is found in Satan Life is found in Death Purpose is found in Use Wisdom is found in Will Consciousness is found by Understanding Expanding is found by Contracting It is the Will, the dynamic that is pushing us forward the moment in which we are positioned.
Satan is Defined as The Chief Evil Spirit; The Great Adversary of Humanity; The Devil
Our Kinetic energy is our progression and growth as an individual. The Spirit is what moves us. We know what this Flesh is, it is a carrier for a season. Lucifer is the Barer of Understanding and The Barer is the Potential for our Life.
The creative process was brought to life instantaneously, without thought. It does it all by itself. We don’t even have to think About what is taking place in our micro because it is taking care of itself. That Instantons life resides within everyone.
Still these Divisions of cells to build the body back to its original state or its healthiest state of being Are just a type and a shadow of the actual healing of our Character. It all starts in the Soul!!
Turning our Hearts Back to the original Will, through our prophets and growth of our body We now hold the Wisdom to Turn the heart of the Universe.
Preach to the Soul and everything else will take care of itself!! Just the same as we follow our commandments.
Psa_34:19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.