Heinz Schandl, James West and Jinhua Zhang ECOSYSTEM SCIENCES - SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC SCIENCES PROGRAM International Symposium on Green Economy Indicators, May 2012, Beijing, China
Resource Efficiency: Economics and Outlook for Asia and the Pacific (2010) Up-date for material use and resource efficiency for Asia and the Pacific (2011) Online database Presentation of trends for Asia and the Pacific and China based on Material Use and Resource Efficiency Indicators for Asia and the Pacific and China | Heinz Schandl, James West and Jinhua Zhang 2 |
Based on credible international data sources Conceptually sound Compatible with the System of National Accounts Feasible (timely, affordable) Policy relevant (informing policies for green economy and SCP) Covering all major natural resource domains Materials and waste Energy and emissions Water and land use Linked to economic and social accounts – to combine environmental (resource depletion, ecosystem health) and social objectives (employment, standard of living, equity, poverty alleviation) Criteria for Resource Efficiency Indicators Material Use and Resource Efficiency Indicators for Asia and the Pacific and China | Heinz Schandl, James West and Jinhua Zhang 3 |
As economies in Asia and the Pacific urbanize and industrialize the use of primary materials grows fast Material Use and Resource Efficiency Indicators for Asia and the Pacific and China | Heinz Schandl, James West and Jinhua Zhang 4 | Source : CSIRO
Material use grows faster than GDP resulting in a higher material intensity Material Use and Resource Efficiency Indicators for Asia and the Pacific and China | Heinz Schandl, James West and Jinhua Zhang 5 | Source : CSIRO
Asia and the Pacific has increased its dependence on materials from abroad, especially for fossil fuels and ores Material Use and Resource Efficiency Indicators for Asia and the Pacific and China | Heinz Schandl, James West and Jinhua Zhang 6 | Source : CSIRO
The industrial-urban transformation has lead to a changing resource base – from renewable to non-renewable resources Material Use and Resource Efficiency Indicators for Asia and the Pacific and China | Heinz Schandl, James West and Jinhua Zhang 7 |
China and India are increasingly dominating material use of Asia and the Pacific Material Use and Resource Efficiency Indicators for Asia and the Pacific and China | Heinz Schandl, James West and Jinhua Zhang 8 | Source : CSIRO
Large differences in per-capita material use between different parts of Asia-Pacific Material Use and Resource Efficiency Indicators for Asia and the Pacific and China | Heinz Schandl, James West and Jinhua Zhang 9 | Tonnes per capita Source : CSIRO
Australia, New Zealand and Central-Asia are the main suppliers of natural resources Material Use and Resource Efficiency Indicators for Asia and the Pacific and China | Heinz Schandl, James West and Jinhua Zhang 10 | Source : CSIRO
Improvements in material intensity of sub-regions do not add up to overall improvements in material intensity Material Use and Resource Efficiency Indicators for Asia and the Pacific and China | Heinz Schandl, James West and Jinhua Zhang 11 | Source : CSIRO
Consumption, rising per capita incomes and new industrial technologies have been the main drivers of material use Material Use and Resource Efficiency Indicators for Asia and the Pacific and China | Heinz Schandl, James West and Jinhua Zhang 12 | Source : CSIRO
China’s material consumption has grown 10-fold since 1970 Material Use and Resource Efficiency Indicators for Asia and the Pacific and China | Heinz Schandl, James West and Jinhua Zhang 13 | Million tonnes Source : CSIRO
China has become a net importer of biomass, fossil fuels and metal ores Material Use and Resource Efficiency Indicators for Asia and the Pacific and China | Heinz Schandl, James West and Jinhua Zhang 14 | Source : CSIRO
Material Intensity in China declined but is still 4-times the world average Material Use and Resource Efficiency in Asia and the Pacific and in China| Heinz Schandl, James West and Jinhua Zhang 15 | Source : CSIRO
Green Economy Indicators in the Policy Cycle Material Use and Resource Efficiency Indicators for Asia and the Pacific and China | Heinz Schandl, James West and Jinhua Zhang 16 | Problem Framing Policy Framing Policy Implemen- tation Policy monitoring and evaluation Green Economy Indicators Environmental, Economic and Social Datasets
Reliable data for material use and resource efficiency for Asia and the Pacific and China now available Indicators to inform problem and policy framing and help evaluate effectiveness of policies Resource use in Asia-Pacific dominates global resource use Consumption and the industrial transformation main drivers of resource use growth Asia-Pacific has become less resource efficient Policies and business strategies need to focus on resource efficiency to deal with rising and more volatile prices for primary resources Resource efficiency is important but not sufficient for sustainable development in Asia Conclusions Material Use and Resource Efficiency Indicators for Asia and the Pacific and China | Heinz Schandl, James West and Jinhua Zhang 17 |
ECOSYSTEM SCIENCES - SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC SCIENCES PROGRAM Thank you Ecosystem Sciences Heinz Schandl t wwww.csiro.au