W HAT IS A J OB A PPLICATION ? a written request for employment typically on a specific form provided by the potential employer Used to do the following: To make a good impression with the employer To gather information about an individual’s qualifications To compare candidates to one another
I T IS NOT J UST AN A PPLICATION ! A well-done application is your first step in securing meaningful employment It is a first impression It is an advertisement of yourself A basis for interview questions It represents a sample of your work
G UIDELINES FOR AN A+ A PPLICATION Read directions carefully! Small print is easily missed (Example: last, first, middle initial ) Make sure handwriting is legible; name is signed clearly Fill it out accurately and neatly. Avoid errors in punctuation, spelling, and grammar Have someone else review it Re-write it if it appears too messy
S TANDARD C ONTENT List skills and abilities relevant to the job being applied for. When answering “what job is being applied for”, be specific Education and employment history should be listed beginning with most recent Salary/Wages
S TANDARD C ONTENT C ONTINUED … Write positive responses rather than negative If a question does not apply to you write NA You do not need to disclose information such as: Marital status, wage of previous job, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation
C ONTACT INFORMATION Keep up-to-date Use a professional address Example: Voice mail messages should be professional Use one that includes your name and number so they can confirm they have reached the right person Music or poor language is not appropriate
B E P REPARED ! Bring your needed information with you on location: References Volunteer work, activities that relate Education Employment (history/dates/addresses/phone) Bring copy of photo ID with you Bring professional resume and references Spelling an issue? Bring a pocket dictionary
T IPS … Request two applications (for many errors) Use black ink Attach your resume to the application before submitting Make a copy of it to review before your interview Carry pens, pencil, paper, and white-out if you are filling it out on location Be conscientious of your timing when asking for an application or to speak to a manager
W HEN S UBMITTING … Double check the application one last time for mistakes and that everything is filled out Ask questions: What is the total application procedure? When will applicants be notified for employment? Make follow-up contacts: let them know you are interested and available!