A CMS for CMS Dave Barney, Lucas Taylor et al
CMS = Content Management System For web-site development and, crucially, maintenance Ability to re-use content in multiple pages/contexts etc. – E.g. CERN press release requires editing by hand 9 separate pages! New group initiated at CERN (led by David Foster, IT – “ENTICE”) to try to get the requirements from various users & then (hopefully) provide support – Experiments, LHC, CERN internal & public web sites
Meeting with International Labour Office (ILO) Dave B., Lucas T. & Shaun Roe (ATLAS) met with Gianguglielmo Calvi (ILO web manager for “PLONE”) and Jane Barney of ILO (web manager of one ILO department) ILO use several different systems for web-sites: – Public Internet: “Stellant” CMS (now owned by Oracle). – Private intranet: standard hand-written html – Private internet: “Plone” CMS (in fact mainly used as a content distribution system) Plone is one of several possible CMSs (others are Drupal, Joomla, Sharepoint etc.) – Open-source – Sits on top of a very stable secure platform called “Zope”, based on Python programming language – Plone is also Python-based, so excellent compatibility with Zope – Built-in workflow for content development & release
Plone implementation at ILO Introduced 2 years ago as it is more secure than other CMSs (including Stellant) G. Calvi works for a 3 rd -party contractor, brought in for 3 weeks to set-up the hardware. He has now been there for 2 years! – Only person who maintains the core Plone installation and can install plug-ins etc. Open-source has good points and bad points: – Good: free (no licenses), many plug-ins – Bad: variable quality of plug-ins, non-negligible on-site support required