eDealer Concept Linda Sitz, Director Motor Vehicle October 2012 North Dakota Motor Vehicle Division
Background North Dakota has experienced dramatic increases in Motor Vehicle processes and complexity Motor Vehicle backlog has increased Motor Vehicle evaluated internal processes Opportunity for Improvement eDealer could reduce redundant data entry without adding manual tasks
Search for a Dealer to Pilot program Ideal dealership will: Be in close proximity to Motor Vehicle Central Office to facilitate frequent on-site visits Have updated computer hardware and software Have a software program they use for input of customer information and printing forms Software provider willing to program for eDealer process at little to no cost to Dealer and Motor Vehicle Be agreeable to pilot eDealer program Have a good working relationship with Motor Vehicle with acceptable quality of work Be a New Car Dealership with sufficient sales volume to have an impact Have other dealerships on the same software program
Fast Track process change Research of eDealer process began in February 2012 Chose initial dealership in February 2012 Software provider began programming in March 2012 Motor Vehicle IT provided data specifications Motor Vehicle IT software development began in April 2012 Collaborative testing from April to Oct 2012 Issue resolution and retesting occurred during this time Go Live October 15 th 2012
Fast Track process change Analysis Analysis uncovered redundancy Concept developed Feb 2012 Analysis Analysis uncovered redundancy Concept developed Feb 2012 Planning Specs developed Software designed and tested Mar – Sep 2012 Planning Specs developed Software designed and tested Mar – Sep 2012 Implementation GO LIVE Oct 2012 Implementation GO LIVE Oct 2012 Evaluation Evaluate and Re-Analyze as required Continual Improvement Evaluation Evaluate and Re-Analyze as required Continual Improvement
eDealer Process Overview
Benefits Less Motor Vehicle manpower required Elimination of time waste Motor Vehicle reviews and approves, rather than re-entering the same data Customer order fulfillment faster Additional method to verify dealer compliance with Motor Vehicle policy Electronic submission date comparison to date paperwork is actually received Advance knowledge of incoming paperwork volume Work queue will show dealership sales at time of sale Motor Vehicle is able to staff eDealer team according to workload Government and private business collaboration Software developer and dealerships working with State Government Software vendor can use it as a Value Added selling point Integration with Motor Vehicle eDealer process
Next Steps Bring other dealers using same software onboard Discussion with dealerships using other software programs to implement the eDealer process Dealerships will be unlikely to sign on if there are substantial additional costs associated with eDealer Evaluate methodology of imaging to facilitate scanning paperwork prior to processing
Continuous Improvement Motor Vehicle will continue to evaluate the process As needed modification and refinement to both the software and the process Evaluate feedback from the dealership Use existing import template to provide other software developers with importation specs, shortening development time on their end
Additional Process Improvements Implemented and under consideration Error based Quality Review and Training Evaluating alternative processing options Evaluating alternative review options Evaluate automatic NMVTIS check Programming link in existing system Evaluation of replacement system to current Title/Registration software