Welcome to Pre-Advanced Placement English 10: World Literature Instructor: Dr. Van Slooten Room: 1102
Agenda 1.Warm Up: Daily Writing Assignment 1 2. Welcome & Introductions 3.Expectations (PWCS, FHS, Class) 4.Overview of Unit 1 & First Lessons 5.Diagnostic test (Monday) 6.Closure What is the difference between a critique and a summary?
What plot devices are similar across stories or films? Why?
plot device A plot device is anything that moves a story forward (a global flood, a pandemic, a character’s death, etc). archetype An archetype is a symbol or theme that recurs in different literary works across cultures. stereotype A stereotype is a generalization about perceived commonalities among individuals in a group. Question: What plot devices, archetypes, or stereotypes do you see in this movie poster for a Japanese horror film? PLOT DEVICES, ARCHETYPES, & STEROTYPES
Warm Up: Daily Writing Assignment 1 Directions: Write a one paragraph (3-5 sentences) response to the prompt below. Background: A plot device is anything that moves a story forward (a global flood, a pandemic, a character’s death, etc). An archetype is a symbol or theme that recurs in different literary works. A stereotype is a generalization about perceived commonalities among individuals in a group. Prompt: Why do different cultures use similar plot devices in their story telling? Should stereotypes be used as plot devices?
Welcome & Introductions 1.Introduce yourself: “Good morning, my name is ___.” 2.State Something Interesting About Yourself: “I like to play soccer.” 3.State your answer to the prompt: “I believe that different cultures use similar plot devices because…” “I think stereotypes should / should not be used as plot devices because….”
Taking Notes What is the author / speaker’s purpose ? (give examples from the text to support) What is the intended effect on the audience? (give examples from the text to support) effectively Did the author /speaker achieve his or her purpose effectively? (give examples to support your conclusion)
Course Overview 1.Purpose: to learn about ourselves and other cultures by analyzing and understanding their literature 2.Standards-based goals: to practice reading comprehension, grammar, and composition skills in preparation for your English SoLs next year 3.PSAT Prep: weekly warm ups and other activities to help you be successful on the PSAT
Expectations 1.PWCS: Code of Behavior (video Thurs / quiz Fri) 2.FHS: Student Handbook (Tues – Weds) 3.Class: arrive on time, stay on task, ask questions when you need help WITHOUT TEACHER PERMISSION 6
This Week 1.7-block schedule: Attend all seven blocks this week and Monday (diagnostic exam day) 2.Lessons: code of behavior, student handbook, study skills (note taking, daily writing, daily reading) 3.Intro Project: make a cover for your favorite book – display on wall
Unit 1: Plot, Setting and Mood 1.Purpose: to analyze through comparison the literature of different cultures in order to understand why certain similarities exist 2.Lessons: a.elements of fiction (theme, character, plot, dialogue, theme, setting), b.plot diagram (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution), c.SIFT (symbolism, imagery, figurative language, theme), d.grammar (parts of speech, parts of a sentence, subject-verb agreement), e.vocabulary (word parts), f.writing (analysis, narrative essay) 3.Assessment: unit test and narrative essay evaluating the disaster film / story genre and why you believe this plot device exists across cultures
Diagnostic Test 1.Date: Monday (and next flex day if you don’t finish) 2.Skills tested: a.Reading (main idea, supporting details, vocabulary, making an inference) b.Writing (grammar, composition, research) c.PSAT prep (grammar, vocab, sentence improvement, sentence completion) 3.Assessment: This is a scored test because this score must be compared against your 3 rd qtr test score to check for improvement. BUT the score is not included in your final grade.
Closing Question What is the difference between writing a paragraph to summarize and writing a paragraph to critique or evaluate something?