The Mystery Genre and Suspense Genre
Mystery Genre Simply, a mystery story involves a crime or puzzle that is solved by a detective, either professional or amateur. Most mysteries either focus on the puzzle (whodunit) or are realistic and focus on the grimness of life (think pulp fiction) Both are a subset of narrative fiction.
Mystery Genre Most mysteries have a set list of suspects who either have a motive or an opportunity, and usually both, to commit the crime. The central character is usually the detective who reaches the conclusion after a logical deduction with the same facts and evidence that the readers had.
Purpose of Mystery Genre To engage and entertain the reader in solving a puzzle Satisfy or frustrate the reader at the end Consider human condition How to avoid human problems
Elements of Mystery Suspects, motives, and opportunities need to be weighed Overt clues about the crime are offered Hidden evidence is offered to make it seem unimportant, but the importance it has is revealed at the end
Elements of Mystery Inference Gaps are intentional gaps that are left in the story that the reader must fill in to figure out the puzzle by connecting information. Suspense builds in the story. The joy in reading a mystery is that it is a page- turner. Foreshadowing is important. Clues add to the foreshadowing of the novel.
Elements of Mystery Red Herring is a clue that is supposed to lead the reader to a false conclusion.
Suspense Genre Suspense is a feeling of uncertainty and anxiety about the outcome of certain actions, most often referring to an audience's perceptions in a dramatic work.feeling anxiety Suspense is not exclusive to fiction, though.
Suspense Genre Suspense may operate in any situation where there is a lead up to a big event or dramatic moment, with tension being a primary emotion felt as part of the situation.tension
Suspense Genre An audience expects something bad to happen (because they have (or believe they have) a superior perspective on events in the drama's hierarchy of knowledge), yet they are powerless to intervene to prevent it from happening.
Origins of Suspense According to famous Greek philosopher Aristotle in his book Poetics, suspense is an important building block of science fiction / fiction / non. In very broad terms, it consists of having some real danger looming and a ray of hope. AristotlePoetics
Characters and Suspense Unlike other genres we have studied, characters are the most important part of the story. If you do not care about the characters, you will not care what happens to them.
Characters in Murder on the Orient Express Hercule Poirot: He is the hero of the novel. Poirot is a retired Belgian detective who is now a private detective. His wealth and lack of a family affords him much freedom.
Characters in Murder on the Orient Express In addition to personal freedom, Poirot also seems to carry that same sense of freedom into the law. For him, his own conscience will always trump the laws of the masses.
Characters in Murder on the Orient Express Poirot is also extremely intellectual. He defeats his opponents using his mind and his keen senses. It is always a matter of confirming his suspicion. Despite his intelligence, he is still seen as an outsider and a sympathetic character.
Characters in Murder on the Orient Express M. Bouc: Director of the Compagnie Wagon Lits and a former member of the Belgian police force with Poirot. He is the comic relief on the novel. In addition, his lack of intelligence highlights the skills of Poirot.
Characters in Murder on the Orient Express Dr. Constantine: The coroner on the Orient Express. He provides most of the scientific evidence and medical information. He is a character of convenience.
Characters in Murder on the Orient Express Mary Debenham: She is a tormented and unhappy spinster. However, she is admired by Poirot for her coolness and efficiency. She always maintains control of her passions. She is rebellious and is quick-witted.
Characters in Murder on the Orient Express Mrs. Hubbard: She is supposed to be a European idea of Americans. She is loud, obnoxious at times, and constantly needs attention.
Themes in Murder on the Orient Express Justice: Christie is concerned with justice, especially as an institution. A lot of her works play with crimes that are not punishable by the conventions of law.
Themes in Murder on the Orient Express Class: Class is extremely important to Christie. Class not only describes one’s financial stability, but their emotional stability as well. The poorer the character, the easier they are broken down. There is a deep divide among the passengers depending on their wealth.
Themes in Murder on the Orient Express Americans: In general, the more American the character, the more comedic they are especially in their speech. They are extremely proud. They are constantly trying to push their own ideas and cultures onto others. They tend to be obsessed with “American progress.”