Enhancing Dignity through Caring Conversations Professor Belinda Dewar Tamsin MacBride October 2014
Aims and Objectives To celebrate and develop excellent human interaction that promotes dignity in the care home setting through co-designing, implementing and evaluating an education intervention in a care home setting
Methodological approach
Discover: what works well? Structured observations Informal discussions with staff, residents and families Working alongside staff Use of photo elicitation Emotional touchpoints
Envision: what could happen here? Valuing knowing about the person Checking out language to ensure it is person centred Opening up conversations with relatives Positive Caring practice statements Mapping to images
Co-create: what would we need to do to make the dream happen more of the time? Developing caring conversations to help to get to know the person Developing language that is person centred Developing caring conversation that help open up dialogue with staff and relatives
Embed Embed into routine practice leaving people in a place where they want to grow and develop Educational intervention to enhance developing caring conversations in practice: caring-practices/
References Cooperrider, D.L, Whitney, D and Stavros, J.M (2008) Appreciative Inquiry Handbook: for leaders of change 2 nd ed, Crown Custom Publishing Inc.: Ohio Dewar, B (2011) Caring about caring: an appreciative inquiry about compassionate relationship centred care, Unpublished PhD Thesis. Edinburgh Napier University: Edinburgh Dewar, B (2012) Using creative methods in practice development to understand and develop compassionate care, International Practice Development Journal, Vol. 2(1), pp
References Dewar, B and MacKay, R (2010) Appreciating and developing compassionate care in an acute hospital setting caring for older people, International Journal of Older People Nursing, Vol. 5 pp Dewar, B and Nolan, M (2013) Caring about caring: Developing a model to implement compassionate relationship centred care in an older people care setting, International Journal of Nursing Studies, Vol. 50(9) pp Dewar, B and Sharp, C (2013) Appreciative dialogue for co- facilitation in action research and practice development, International Practice Development journal, Vol. 3 (12), pp