Once we were young - Age Concern campaign video c_XyFGFr29c
Personalisation and Care Management.
What the aim is… Personalisation is not just about personal budgets, but about achieving choice and control in many ways and in different settings, including basic needs such as being able to access public transport if you are disabled. Personalisation is about the dignity and well-being of the individual. Delivering personalised services will mean different things to different people – it's about self-determination and self- directed care. The relationship between Social Workers, Personal Assistants and Service Users should be based on respect and a recognition of equality
A personal budget is an amount of money the local authority allocates for your care, based on its assessment of your needs. You can be put in charge of this ‘budget’ either by telling the local authority how you would like it spent, or by the council giving you the money so that you can directly pay for your own care (a direct payment). It could also be given to a separate organisation (such as a user-controlled trust) that will spend the money on your care as you see fit if you prefer.
What it means for some people video-player.asp?guid=EDFF C47-4F20-B212-ED55B7A384A6
The assessment process… “For far too long people’s needs assessments have been driven by the service on offer or that can be provided in a particular area… Such an approach fails to recognise the richness and complexity of people’s lives and fails to support or promote truly person-centred care” (care quality commission)
Key Policies for Older People re: Personalisation THE SINGLE ASSESSMENT PROCESS (SAP) was introduced in the National Service Framework for Older People (2001), It’s aim was to ensure that older people are treated as individuals and they receive appropriate and timely packages of care which meet their needs as individuals, regardless of health and social services boundaries.
Standard NHS and social care services treat older people as individuals and enable them to make choices about their own care. This is achieved through the single assessment process, integrated commissioning arrangements and integrated provision of services, including community equipment and continence services.
Person centred approaches are ways of commissioning, providing and organising services rooted in listening to what people want, to help them live in their communities as they choose. These approaches work to use resources flexibly, designed around what is important to an individual from their own perspective and work to remove any cultural and organisational barriers. People are not simply placed in pre-existing services and expected to adjust, rather the service strives to adjust to the person.
As part of the NSF for OP SAP aims to make sure older people's needs are assessed thoroughly and accurately, but without procedures being needlessly duplicated by different agencies, and that information is shared appropriately between health and social care agencies.
What the experts say about Personalisation…. _QsFnqcBh1w
What can (sometimes) happen in ‘real life’ to the elderly Personalisation…..? yY&list=PLucFDqgqT8BDL_2dFAz4vO_vghSrzBKU Bhttps:// yY&list=PLucFDqgqT8BDL_2dFAz4vO_vghSrzBKU B
Self Directed Study. Complete the e-learning exercise and prepare for a “Personalisation-test-your- knowledge” quiz in the new year! onalisation/module2/deploy/index.html onalisation/module2/deploy/index.html