S TRUCTURALISM AND POSTMODERNISM "I think of the postmodern attitude as that of a man who loves a very cultivated woman and knows that he cannot say to her "I love you madly", because he knows that she knows (and that she knows he knows) that these words have already been written by Barbara Cartland. Still there is a solution. He can say "As Barbara Cartland would put it, I love you madly". At this point, having avoided false innocence, having said clearly it is no longer possible to talk innocently, he will nevertheless say what he wanted to say to the woman: that he loves her in an age of lost innocence." — Umberto EcoUmberto Eco
What are you going to learn? The link between Structuralism and Postmodernism Postmodernism’s main ideas (through Baudrillard) and definitions* How to identify aspects of Postmodern texts? Note: the easiest/quickest way to understand Postmodernism is to be exposed to as many Postmodern texts as possible…
TASK Discuss the following question with the person next to you and write down some ideas: What are the conventions of product advertising on television? i.e. what elements/content/media language would you expect to see?
W ATCH THIS … &feature=related How does this advert break the conventions of advertising? Is it still effective? Why or why not? What is the message of the text?
Revising STRUCTUALISM You already know this! Structuralism is the means by which human culture can be understood through the structure of language (both written and visual). This structure can be understood through semiotical analysis. Semiotics is therefore the study of structured meaning. Key words: sign (symbol), signifier and signified
D EFINITIONS OF POSTMODERN TEXTS Texts that are “self-aware” Texts that “mess around” with the conventions of construction e.g. narrative, representations etc Alternative modes of communicating meaning Make construction a part of the message Texts that not just “blur” the line between reality and imagination but they claim the line “no longer exists.” Did you know that using “air quotes” is Postmodern? Texts that are “clever” and that make you think more that you are used too Useful to remember that texts can be Postmodern and/or have Postmodern qualities
I DENTIFYING POSTMODERN TEXTS Postmodern texts tend to use one of the following aspects: Hybridity - the mixing of ‘high culture’ and ‘pop culture’ Bricolage - the mixing of images that are not usually associated with each other Simulation - blurring the lines of reality Intertextuality - the mixing of different texts Disjointed narrative structures- messing with our perception of time on screen The erosion of history- trivialising historical events or omitting details/characters for nostalgic purposes Spectacle - use of ironic, subversive or alternative tones and content.
M ORE EXAMPLES …? Hand out revision p/c
Homework for Tomorrow To look up the text “Second Life” Wikipedia How is the text Postmodern? How does the text play with the idea of reality? How does it deal with issues of Representation? Spend 30 minutes on this. Make notes and be prepared to discuss your ideas.
Media Representation: Post 9/11 Realism, Representation and Postmodernism
New York Pre- 9/11
New York Post- 9/11
Questions to Consider How has 9/11 changed media representations of crime, violence, victims, perpetrators and New York ? The Live Coverage ( selection and mediation ) (Realism?) Responses in fiction genres (changes?) (The Evolution of News*) The Postmodern Grand Narrative* The “ war on terror ”- a reflective or constructionist term? “ Islamaphobia ”- debate?
G RAND N ARRATIVES Also known as “metanarratives” Jean-Francios Lyotard A term that links ideological theory with Postmodernism. The ultimate Grand Narrative is seen as the American Dream but also as communism as some
Texts -Photographs from the 9/11 (Daily Mail) -The Live Footage of the second tower being struck (CNN) Public generated footage (mobile phone footage) “9/11 State of Emergency” (Channel 4) - “24” (TV Series) - “Fairenheight 9/11” (Film Michael Moore) - “Al Jazeera” (News channel)