United States Fleet Forces Operational Readiness, Effectiveness, Primacy 1 Naval Cooperation and Guidance for Shipping (NCAGS) 11/09/2005
United States Fleet Forces Operational Readiness, Effectiveness, Primacy 2 Briefing Goals Mission Discuss NCAGS capabilities Discuss NCAGS current operations support
United States Fleet Forces Operational Readiness, Effectiveness, Primacy 3 NCAGS Mission To assist the theater/operational commander in managing risk by providing situational awareness and near real time clarity of the merchant shipping picture to help ensure the safe passage of merchant shipping and the safety of naval vessels. – NTTP
United States Fleet Forces Operational Readiness, Effectiveness, Primacy 4 Maritime Domain Awareness Requirements for MDA are listed in –NSPD 41 –Marine Transportation and Security Act (MTSA 2002) –COCOM CONOPS
United States Fleet Forces Operational Readiness, Effectiveness, Primacy 5 Common Operational Picture (COP) When assigned, NCAGS is responsible for maintaining the accuracy and timeliness of the COP as it relates to a merchant shipping within a region. –Based on criteria set forth by operational commander
United States Fleet Forces Operational Readiness, Effectiveness, Primacy 6 FY06 Unit Assignments FFC NCAGS ALPHA - Bronx FFC NCAGS BRAVO - Miami FFC NCAGS CHARLIE – Chicago FFC NCAGS DELTA - Tacoma l Capt Boland l Capt Cheslack l Capt Dailey l Capt Jones Unit changes reflect: Increase in enlisted manning Alignment to support emerging mission
United States Fleet Forces Operational Readiness, Effectiveness, Primacy 7 NCAGS Unit Structure & Capabilities Typical composition –48 personnel (20 Officer, 28 Enlisted) –Variety of skill sets to support mission Capabilities –Liaison –Shipping Coordination Team (SCT) -Expeditionary –Shipping Coordination Center (SCC) - Augmentation
United States Fleet Forces Operational Readiness, Effectiveness, Primacy 8 Liaison Capability Composition –Senior leadership within the NCAGS unit (1) Captain, (3) Commanders Function –Provides advice on NCAGS measures –Senior liaison with civil maritime industry –Generates OPTASK NCAGS
United States Fleet Forces Operational Readiness, Effectiveness, Primacy 9 Shipping Coordination Team (SCT) Capability Composition –Basic element of NCAGS organization Consists of four personnel (OIC & watch standers) Function Provides capability for one 24 hr watch. At sea or ashore Flexible in configuration (to meet needs)
United States Fleet Forces Operational Readiness, Effectiveness, Primacy 10 Shipping Coordination Center (SCC) Capability Composition –Normally located at the operational level (OPCEN) –Backbone of unit 20 Personnel Mixture of skill sets Function –Task organized to meet mission requirements (MFT) –Provides an analysis capability –Supports Liaison and SCT elements through reach back
United States Fleet Forces Operational Readiness, Effectiveness, Primacy 11 USCG Maritime Intel Fusion Center (MIFC) LANT REVISED: 10 DEC 02 UNCLASS
United States Fleet Forces Operational Readiness, Effectiveness, Primacy 12 USCG Maritime Intel Fusion Center Second Deck UNCLASS REVISED: 10 DEC 02 SCC LANT Dam Neck, VA
United States Fleet Forces Operational Readiness, Effectiveness, Primacy 13 1.Maintain a 24-hour watch to identify merchant shipping bound for, or already existing in the Combatant Commander’s established AOR. 2.Report the location and all other relevant information on VOI’s to Theater Maritime Command Component, inter-service, and multi-agencies. 3.Build relationships with shipping companies, and port level personnel (pilots, shipping agents, tugboat companies, Captain of the Port, etc.) 4.Assist in the de-confliction and fusing of COP data, while providing maritime expertise to USN and USCG senior staff. 5.Expand SCC collaboration efforts with National Maritime Intelligence Center (ONI & ICC), NORTHCOM, JIATF South, JHOC’s, DHS, and OGA’s. 6.Provide support to deployed Shipping Coordination Teams (SCT) in support of operations. SCC Functions and Tasks
United States Fleet Forces Operational Readiness, Effectiveness, Primacy 14 SCC Pilots Assn. Shipping Agencies Vessel Telephone, Fax, INMARSAT, AIS WEB (private sites) Industry Contacts STE GCCS-M, C2PC, AIS DMS Liaison Officers JFMCC COCOM NMIC NCAGS CDR (SUWC) Numbered FLT CDR MSC USCG Area CDR MARAD/NSA OGA’s , Telephone, Fax STE GCCS-M, C2PC DMS Liaison Officers NOTMAR (support) NATO SC SCT LNO Int’l Partners Telephone, Fax, , WEB (FFC KOL), AIS STE GCCS-M, C2PC DMS INMARSAT NCAGS Communication Capability and Nodes
United States Fleet Forces Operational Readiness, Effectiveness, Primacy 15 Current Operations SCC directly supports JFMCC Capable of providing a general awareness of AOR –Tailor existing products to meet needs
MISLE JMIE Nat’l Sensors State-Local SeaWatch MDA for Tactical Operations & Planning MDA for Actionable Operations & Planning National Level President/Cabinet/NSC/OHS MDA Enterprise Architecture (Notional) Port Investigative Teams/ Unit Collateral Intel Officers Common Operational Picture GCCS Area Fusion Centers MDA for Policy Action & Resource Planning Operational Level CINC/Area/Districts Tactical Level Districts/COTP/Group /Units Strategic Level CG HQTS/CINC/Areas Tailored Common Operating Picture Other Information Pipelines (Regional input) Other Information Pipelines (e.g. industry, State, Local) Industry Port Authorities Civil Agencies National Maritime Intelligence Center (ICC/NMIC) Other Information Pipelines (e.g. Intel Community, LE Agencies) DoD SIPRNET NVMC OGAs LEAs Unclassified MDA to Share With local port players CINC Navy VTSAISVMS Help Set National Policy & Goals; Strategic Planning; Force Requirements C2; Mission Oversight; Force Provider; Op & Campaign Planning; Regional Interface & Coordination (DoD, CinC, OGAs, NGOs) C2, Planning, Local Interface & Coordination Functional Tasks (e.g. Regulate, Facilitate, Interdict, Presence, Protect, Defend, Deny, Respond, Surveillance, etc.) Firewall REVISED: 10 DEC 02 UNCLASS
United States Fleet Forces Operational Readiness, Effectiveness, Primacy 17 Tools NCAGS Area Communications Reporting Gate (CRG) NCAGS Shipping Points (NSP) Recommend routes Shipping Risk Area (SRA)
NCAGS Area Recommended Routes SRA CRG
United States Fleet Forces Operational Readiness, Effectiveness, Primacy 19 CRG SRA NCAGS Area NSP Legend Route CRG Exclusion Area
United States Fleet Forces Operational Readiness, Effectiveness, Primacy 21 Progression of NCAGS Phase one - Liaison element proceeds into AOR –Determining needs of Operational Commander –Provide recommended COA –Generate OPTASK NCAGS Phase two – NCAGS capabilities (Liaison, SCT or SCC) are deployed to manage and execute operations specified in OPTASK NCAGS
United States Fleet Forces Operational Readiness, Effectiveness, Primacy 22 MDA Enhancements AIS –Currently in effect by IMO regulation INMARSAT-C –Already capitalized, but not utilized Defense Collaborative Tool Suite (DCTS) –Creating linkage between all capabilities
Utilizing INMARSAT-C to Improve the COP C-Box 2 - Upload Data Reports from C-Box via dial-in Modem in ASCII format One way serial 4 - Send OTH-Gold message to GCCS-M using Pro-Comm Plus via serial port. 3 - Parse Data Reports into OTH-Gold format using Pro- Comm Plus script. 5 - Merchant position info displayed on GCCS-M 1 – Land Earth Station conducts Polling and receives pre-programmed Data Reports from Merchants. Satellite Workstation Shipping Coordination Center Land Earth Station Operator Merchant
United States Fleet Forces Operational Readiness, Effectiveness, Primacy 24 Questions
United States Fleet Forces Operational Readiness, Effectiveness, Primacy 25 Bronx - Unit Employment Exercises: –Bold Master Lead (07), Transoceanic Lead (06) –Ulchi Focus Lens (support) Special Projects: –Publications Lead –NATO Shipping Working Group –Multinational Training Group –NCAGS Analysis Panel (NAP) –GMATS Development –Support development of EUCOM MDA SCC Support: –179 day ADSW (1) – SCC OIC / Dam Neck –12 day AT – Dam Neck (7), Alameda (6), –29 day AT/ADT - Northwood (1)
United States Fleet Forces Operational Readiness, Effectiveness, Primacy 26 Miami - Unit Employment Exercises: –Transamerica XXI Lead (Oct 05), Panamax Lead (06) –Bold Master (support) Special Projects: –CODEFTRAMI Review –NCAGS National Conference –Southern European Shipping Working Group –Support development of SOUTHCOM MDA SCC Support: –179 day ADSW (1) – SCC OIC / Dam Neck –12 day AT – Dam Neck (7), Alameda (6), –29 day AT/ADT - Northwood (1)
United States Fleet Forces Operational Readiness, Effectiveness, Primacy 27 Chicago - Unit Employment Exercises: –Bell Buoy (US Host, Lead) (06) –Transoceanic (support) Special Projects: –NCAGS Augmentation for NATO Response Force –PAC/IO Shipping Working Group –Support development of CENTCOM MDA –NCGAS SOP Development (Primary) SCC Support: –179 day ADSW (1) – SCC OIC / Alameda –12 day AT – Alameda (7), Dam Neck (6) –29 day AT/ADT - Northwood (1)
United States Fleet Forces Operational Readiness, Effectiveness, Primacy 28 Tacoma - Unit Employment Exercises: –Ulchi Focus Lens Lead (06), Brilliant Mariner Lead (06), –See Breeze Lead (06), Bell Buoy (support), Panamax (support) Special Projects: –North American Shipping Working Group –Coordination of International NCAGS School Augmentation (4) –Support development of PACCOM MDA –NCAGS SOP Development (Secondary) SCC Support: –179 day ADSW (1) – SCC OIC / Alameda –12 day AT – Alameda (7), Dam Neck (6) –29 day AT/ADT - Northwood (1)
United States Fleet Forces Operational Readiness, Effectiveness, Primacy 29 NSPD 41 The security of the Maritime Domain is a global issue. The United States, in cooperation with our allies and friends around the world and our State, local, and private sector partners, will work to ensure that lawful private and public activities in the Maritime Domain are protected against attack and criminal and otherwise unlawful or hostile exploitation. These efforts are critical to global economic stability and growth and are vital to the interests of the United States. It is the policy of the United States to take all necessary and appropriate actions, consistent with U.S. law, treaties and other international agreements to which the United States is a party, and customary international law as determined for the United States by the President, to enhance the security of and protect U.S. interests in the Maritime Domain.
United States Fleet Forces Operational Readiness, Effectiveness, Primacy 30 Reorganization of NCAGS Program Management of NCAGS transferred to FFC in January 2003 In 2003 program consisted of – 14 Fourteen Units assigned (8 – PAC, 1 LANT, 5 CENT) –413 billets; heavily officer weighted Transition plan promulgated by FFC in July 2004, to be executed throughout 2005
United States Fleet Forces Operational Readiness, Effectiveness, Primacy 31 FY05 Transition Highlights Transition team established for the purpose of managing manpower, and training aspects of the program. TFFMS packages developed throughout FY05 –Align manpower to meet goal of 192 personnel effective 1 OCT 2005 –Relocate billets from disestablished units –Redefine billet descriptions to meet emerging requirements. Community notified of changes early in FY05
United States Fleet Forces Operational Readiness, Effectiveness, Primacy 32 FY 05 Transition Highlights (Cont.) Mission, Function, and Task instruction signed out for Shipping Coordination Centers NCAGS Equipment transfers will occur throughout September Guidance being provided by FFC N4
United States Fleet Forces Operational Readiness, Effectiveness, Primacy 33 Officer-Enlisted Breakdown New Structure Driven by: –Zero Based Review –Evolving operational requirements l 413 Billets 336 – Officers 81% 77 – Enlisted 19% l 192 Billets – 53% 80 – Officer 42% 112 – Enlisted 58%
United States Fleet Forces Operational Readiness, Effectiveness, Primacy 34 NCAGS Support to NATO Engagement with NATO and PfP Navies Participation in NATO Shipping Working Group Manpower support to NATO Shipping Center (Northwood), (Operation Active Endeavor)
United States Fleet Forces Operational Readiness, Effectiveness, Primacy 35 Additional Operational Support North American Shipping Working Group –Multinational NCAGS Training Group –PAC I/O Shipping Working Group –C
United States Fleet Forces Operational Readiness, Effectiveness, Primacy 36 NCAGS Training Concept U.S. Position is to utilize existing centers of excellence for NCAGS training –International Maritime Warfare School (United Kingdom) –Basic and advanced NCAGS Courses German Naval Academy (Flensburg, GE) –Convoy Operations (theory, and practical) Canadian Forces Fleet School (Quebec) –Canadian NCAGS Operations Argentina –Naval Officer Maritime Traffic Operations Course (OCONTRAM) –2 week course in April
United States Fleet Forces Operational Readiness, Effectiveness, Primacy 37 NCAGS Training Concept International Chile –International Cooperation and Naval Guidance for Shipping (CGNTM) Valparaiso, Chile –2 week course in June Portugal –APERFEIÇOAMENTO EM NCAGS –Domestic US Merchant Marine Academy –Basic NCAGS Course (under development) –Port and Vessel Security Officer
United States Fleet Forces Operational Readiness, Effectiveness, Primacy 38 NCAGS National Conference National Conference –FFC will host and provide FY06 Guidance to Community. When and where –21-22 January 2006 –New Orleans