Kyoto Protocol Kyoto Protocol Environmental Concerns Environmental Concerns of Planet Earth of Planet Earth By Jenny Markgren By Jenny Markgren
What is the Kyoto Protocol? The Kyoto Protocol is a legally binding international agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that are believed to be causing a global climate change. The initial plans began in 1979 When the United Nations held the First World Climate Conference. After extensive investigations and negotiations, The Kyoto Protocol was written in 1997 in Kyoto, Japan. However, it has been a complicated process, and is still not in effect.
Commitments of the Protocol Decrease 6 greenhouse gas emissions: (CO 2, CH 4, N 2 O,HFCs (hydro fluorocarbons), PFCs (per fluorocarbons), and SF 6 (sulfur hexafluoride) globally. By at least 5% of 1990’s levels, by Most predominantly CO 2 from burning fossil fuels. Coal is the worst.
The Protocol is Flexible Parties can choose to off set emissions by increasing carbon “sinks”. Parties can choose to implement domestic projects that decrease emissions. “clean development mechanisms.” Parties can trade emissions with other signing countries that are well below projected emissions.
Commitments Very Countries are asked to reduce their emissions based on what their emissions were in The U.S. would need to drop emissions by 7%. Industrial countries that have contributed the most emissions are asked to cut back more. Developing countries are allowed to contribute more.
CO 2 Emission per capita
Why isn’t it in effect? The Protocol will not be legally binding until at least 55 countries that contributed 55% of the emissions have ratified it. Breaking News!! Russia has signed just a couple weeks ago. Protocol will be in effect Feb. 16, USA still not signing!
Why won’t the US sign? The Bush Administration withdrew support in March of President Clinton already signed in ‘97 It would strain our economy. Less developed countries don’t have to do it. We don’t think there is enough proof of climate change.
Green House Science Heat waves and periods of unusually warm weather Sea level rise and coastal flooding Glaciers melting Arctic and Antarctic warming Spreading disease Earlier spring arrival Plant and animal range shifts and population declines Coral reef bleaching Downpours, heavy snowfalls, and flooding Droughts and fires
GLOBAL WARMING: Early Warning Signs
Polar Ice Melt
Retreating Glaciers
We Can’t Just Blame Big Business! Manufacturing and Industry Account for 32%. The rest of CO 2 emissions comes from us: Transportation Heat & Electricity
What Can We Do? Turn off lights when we leave a room. Turn down heat by a couple of degrees. Wash clothes in cold or warm, full loads. Wash dishes by hand or full load in washer. Line dry. Plant trees. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Eat a more plant based diet. Take shorter showers. Walk or carpool.
Kyoto Countries Want Us On Board Kyoto Countries: France, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Canada, Japan, Greece, Spain, United Kingdom, Kuwait, Russia, South Africa and over one hundred more want the Us to join them! New provisions, such as requiring developing countries to reduce emissions will likely be added when the United Nations meets this December.