Session2. Social security Social security is the protection which society provides for its members through a series of public measures: – to compensate for the absence or substantial reduction of income from work resulting from sickness, maternity, employment injury, unemployment, invalidity, old age and death of the breadwinner – to provide people with healthcare – to provide benefits for families with children.
Session2. Social protection Social protection includes not only public social security schemes but also private or non-statutory schemes with similar objectives – provided that the contributions to these schemes are not wholly determined by market forces (i.e., redistribution) Other organizations, such as the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, use more holistic conceptions of social protection ( “ social risk management ” )
Session2. Social security is a human right Every human being is equally entitled to social security -Univ. decl. of HR, article 22 Consequences: –States and international community have the obligation to take appropriate measures to guarantee this right (legal, administrative, budgetary …) –Each individual is entitled to a minimum level of social protection, without exception or discrimination This package must be efficient (maximum impact with a minimum of resources) and realistic (financially)
Session2. Social security/protection branches Medical care Sickness Unemployment Old age Employment injury Family benefit Maternity benefit Invalidity benefit Survivor’s benefit 9 branches of social security defined by Convention C102 GESS:
Session2. Overview of social protection coverage in the world Low level of coverage in developing countries: –Small % of the population – Limited range of contingencies Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia: – 5 to 10% of population covered by statutory social security (namely old age and health) Decrease in % of population covered: –Structural adjustment policies, privatisation and development of the informal economy Majority of the excluded= informal economy
Statutory schemes do not provide all branches
Old age pensions effective coverage = 25%
Health care coverage < 20% in most African countries
Session2. Various mechanisms to extend social protection coverage Social insurance Universal systems (free access to health care structures, universal old age pensions) Social assistance targeted to vulnerable populations; Conditional cash transfers Private insurance Micro-insurance; community based schemes “ Linked schemes ” : Rwanda, India, Ghana, Colombia … NEW