Sense Unicorn Reference Cat
Night/knightphonologically (/n/) Lift/liftedmorphologically (roots) Write/paintsyntactically (transitive) Pot/pansemantically (sister terms) WORD RELATIONSHIPS
Dog & Poodle All poodles are dogs = X is always included as a part of Y Dog and poodle are hyponyms Sister Term Two or more terms that are on the same level within a hyponymous hierarchy HYPONYMY & SISTER TERMS
SYNONYMS Two words that share the exact same reference.
What is the antonym to emasculate?emasculat : to make (a man) feel less masculine : to deprive (a man) of his male strength, role, etc. : to make (something) weaker or less effective What’s the difference between a complementary pair and gradable pair? Discuss with your neighbor- How _____ is he/it? ANTONYMS
Semantics at the sentence level Entailment All dogs bark Sally’s dog barks Mutual Entailment Ian has a female sibling Ian has a sister PROPOSITIONS
“The meaning of a sentence (or any other multi-word expression) is a function of the meanings of the words it contains, and how these words are syntactically combined. Sally loves Polly. Polly loves Sally. PRINCIPLE OF COMPOSITIONALITY
Shramped flonked flo britter. Shramped flonked the britter. Shramped kicked the britter. Roberto kicked the britter. Roberto kicked the ball. Roberto kicked the bucket. SEMANTICS AND SYNTAX
Think of 3 idiomatic expressions in English. Invent 1 new idiomatic expression in English. Idioms in Spanish/other languages? Pan comido (piece of cake) Llevar leña al monte (to carry coals to Newcastle) IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS
Sentence: There is a platypus in the bathtub. Utterance: The event that occurs when a sentence is spoken. The same sentence could have an infinite number of utterances. Properties of utterances include: time, place, volume, the speaker SENTENCE VS. UTTERANCE
Deictic words Those things that hold the place of other things in a thing when someone says it. What does (can) this sentence mean? Can you take the trash out? CONTEXT AND MEANING
Linguistic What precedes a particular utterance in a discourse. Do you like green beans? Yes. Yes, I do. Situational Nonlinguistic information that allows for an utterance to be understood. It smells. Social Relationships between interlocutors KINDS OF CONTEXT
The difference is intuitive. Judgments of felicity may differ from one speaker to another. What do you do for a living? I’m a linguistic professor at Ohio State. What do you do for a living? I have a job. FELICITOUS & INFELICITOUS
Steven Pinker (The cooperative principle) Steven Pinker THE COOPERATIVE PRINCIPLE
1.Maxim of Quality 2.Maxim of Relevance 3.Maxim of Quantity 4.Maxim of Manner 5.ViolationsViolations GRICE’S MAXIMS