Identifying Monitoring Questions from your Program Logic
Overview of the Process Identify monitoring questions for the steps of the logic model Identify indicators that you can collect Use this to guide the development of your M&E plan
When you want to evaluate your project delivery and design You may have the following evaluation questions: – Was the project delivered as planned?, or – Was the theory of change supported? Look at the steps in your program logic, and identify what relevant monitoring questions fit under the evaluation questions, and what indicators would provide the answers?
Review the program logic...
And identify monitoring questions and indicators….
How is it done? This is the activity that we want to monitor and evaluate….. This is the monitoring question that we could ask….. This is the indicator that could be collected to answer the question. Other indicators could include: time required to develop templates, funds spent on development of templates, number of templates produced vs number planned to be produced etc…..
Another example…Outputs This is the output that we want to monitor and evaluate….. These are the monitoring question that we could ask….. These are the indicators that could be collected to answer the questions. This would allow us to make a judgement (evaluation) as to whether the templates were being use, whether they were being used by the target group (intended audience), and whether the templates were useful.
Short-term outcomes This is the short-term outcome that we want to monitor and evaluate….. This is the monitoring question that we could ask….. This is the indicator that could be collected to answer the question. This could be collected by an online user survey.
Intermediate and long-term outcomes The boundary of an evaluation may often be limited to short-term outcomes. A longitudinal evaluation may be require to monitor and evaluate intermediate and long- term outcomes. This can be identified in your M&E plan.
It is important to determine the boundary and scope of your evaluation Longer term outcomes may require a longitudinal evaluation
Use the monitoring questions and indicators to guide the development of your Monitoring and Evaluation Plan. Next Step