Value Chain of Shrimp Fisheries in South Asian Region GROUP 1
2. Landing & auction 1. Harvesting 3. Processing & value adding Export markets Japan, EU, US Export markets Japan, EU, US Local market e.g. supermarkets Multiple validated catch documents (product from many vessels) Sorted into Lots/batches (according to quality) These “Batch documents” contain the contribution from each of the vessel certificates Taking into accounts : balance (less processing losses) Risk based sampling by competent authority Multiple validated catch documents (product from many vessels) Sorted into Lots/batches (according to quality) These “Batch documents” contain the contribution from each of the vessel certificates Taking into accounts : balance (less processing losses) Risk based sampling by competent authority Port/landing inspection document Port control documentation Competent authority validates Logsheet/catch certificate that catch is not IUU RT-Verification of VMS record (by CA) Port/landing inspection document Port control documentation Competent authority validates Logsheet/catch certificate that catch is not IUU RT-Verification of VMS record (by CA) Vessel registration (national, also with EU?) Vessel license (Legal documents, vessel number, fishing area, licensed gear, company information) logbook (location, catch, species caught, gear used) Vessel registration (national, also with EU?) Vessel license (Legal documents, vessel number, fishing area, licensed gear, company information) logbook (location, catch, species caught, gear used) Paper-based Doc type Fishing Master declaration Handed in at point of landing Paper-based Doc type Fishing Master declaration Handed in at point of landing Paper-based documentation type Validated catch document from CA, accompanies batch to processor (unique ID for each validated catch) Paper-based documentation type Validated catch document from CA, accompanies batch to processor (unique ID for each validated catch) Processor records information electronically Paper batch document issued by processor, accompanied by electronic record Contains the unique ID of the individual, validated catch Processor records information electronically Paper batch document issued by processor, accompanied by electronic record Contains the unique ID of the individual, validated catch Export document Paper/electronic Export document - Contains the unique ID of all the validated catches Paper/electronic Export document - Contains the unique ID of all the validated catches 4. Market Existing Measures/Legislations and Info-Record Record to be Transferred
Recommendations Legal aspects mostly to be covered by fisheries legislations because it is IUU fishing issues, the traceability system may already be required as part of national food safety system. Legislation may not be part of fishery law. Therefore this is unnecessary to have separated food safety and IUU traceability. If the country have e-system, it is easier to trace back and get additional labeling information if this is required by the importers or importing market (Ideally: electronic recording of the landing by competent authority in future)