Maya Aztec Inca
The first people migrated from Asia to the Americas during the last Ice Age They crossed a Land Bridge called Beringia –Siberia to Alaska –Sea levels dropped exposing land
Land Bridge
Land Bridge 2:28
Why did Asian Hunters Migrate? Scientists think that hunters were following game & decided to stay! Once here they hunted smaller game & ate plants & berries
How did early Native Americans adapt to their environment? They used the resources around them for food, clothing & shelter –Ex. Iroquois hunted small game, wore animal skins & built longhouses –Ex. Inuit (Eskimos) hunted seals, wore furs & built igloos
How did the first people reach the Americas? a. They crossed a Land Bridge called Beringia b.They crossed an ice bridge in Siberia c.They came by boat d.They crossed by walking across the glaciers CPS #1
How did early Native Americans adapt to their environment? a. Inuit (Eskimos) hunted deer and small game b.Iroquois built igloos c.Inuit (Eskimos) hunted seals d.Iroquois wore furs CPS #2
Early American Civilizations There were several great civilizations in Mexico, Central America & South America –Ex. Olmec, Maya, Aztec, Inca
Lived in Mexico, Guatemala, & Honduras 1500 B.C B.C. Built stone pavement & drainage systems
Olmec Artifacts Stella at Venta SiteSculpture
Why did early American civilizations develop along large bodies of water? Water was used as a means of transportation and a way to farm.
Mayas 4:48
Lived in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras & Belize Largest city-Tikal Pyramids housed religious & gov’t centers Believed gods controlled all that happened Skilled astronomers Developed a system of writing (Hieroglyphics)
Aztecs 10:07
Capital city-Tenochtitlan –On an island –One of the largest cities in the Americas –Center of trade
Military empire-Aztec conquered neighbors Aztec took weapons, maize, cloth & copper Forced captives to work as slaves Society organized around religion –Sacrificed thousands in religious ceremonies
Map of Aztec Empire
Aztec Calendar
Located in Colombia, northern Argentina, & Chile Capitol city—Cuzco Largest of early American civilizations –Over 3,000 mi. long –More than 9 million people
Built 10,000 mi. of paved roads Rope bridges crossed canyons & rivers Official language called Quechua Worshiped the Sun god
Developed system of terracing so that they could plant on slopes
What was one example of an early American civilization? a. Inca b.Maya c.Aztec d.All of the above CPS #3
Why did early American civilizations develop near water? a. Water was used to make adobe bricks b.Water was used to irrigate crops c.Water was used for transportation d.Both b and c CPS #4
What civilization built pyramids that housed religious and government centers? a. Maya b.Aztec c.Olmec d.Inca CPS #5
Which civilization built ten thousand miles of paved roads? a. Maya b.Aztec c.Olmec d.Inca CPS #6
Which civilization built the largest city in the Americas? a. Maya b.Aztec c.Olmec d.Inca CPS #7
Many native cultures existed in North America before Europeans arrived in 1500s –Hohokam –Anasazi –Mound Builders –Adena –Hopewell –Cahokia
Lived in desert of Arizona (about 300 A.D.- A.D. 1200) Built irrigation channels
Lived in Four Corners region (Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico) A.D. 200-A.D Built stone & cliff dwellings –Pueblo Bonito –Mesa Verde Mesa Verde
Anasazi left their dwellings in about 1300 to settle in smaller communities because of drought?
Lived from Pennsylvania to Mississippi River Valley Built mounds of earth possibly for religious purposes
Lived in the Ohio Valley Hunters & gatherers One of the earliest Mound Builder groups Great Serpent Mound
Farmers & traders Built large burial mounds shaped like birds, bears, & snakes
Built largest settlment in Illinois Highest mound called Monks Mound (100 ft. high
People of the North People of the West People of the Southwest People of the Plains People of the East People of the Southeast
Inuit (Eskimo) Adapted to environment by –Building igloos –Wore furs & sealskins –Hunters & fishermen
Many tribes: –Tlingit, Haida, Chinook, Nez Perce, Yakima, Ute, Shoshone Adapted to environment by: –Hunters & gatherers –Used resources of forest & sea Haida village
Many tribes: Hopi, Acoma, Zuni (later Navajo & Apache) Adapted to environment by: –Homes made of adobe bricks –Farmers (maize, beans, squash) Acoma Sky City
Nomadic Adapted to environment by: –Building tepees that could be moved –Used horses to hunt & fight
Iroquois (Haudenosaunee/ People of the Longhouse) Iroquois Confederacy made up of 5 tribes –Cayuga –Mohawk –Oneida –Onondaga –Seneca
Adapted to environment by: –Building longhouses –Hunting, farming & fishing –Wore animal skins
Longhouse Haudenosaunee Flag
Algonquin Lived in NY & Ottawa Nomadic Adapted to environment by: –Living in small groups –Hunters & gatherers –Used birchbark canoes to travel
Creek, Chickasaw, Cherokee Adapted to environment by: –Farming –Lived in communities
Which civilization built stone and cliff dwellings in the Four Corners region ? a. Hohokam b.Anasazi c.Cahokia d.Hopewell CPS #8
Which group was one of the earliest mound builder groups? a. Adena b.Hohokam c.Cahokia d.Hopewell CPS #9
Their burial mounds were shaped like birds, bears, and snakes? a. Adena b.Hohokam c.Cahokia d.Hopewell CPS #10
How did the people of the West adapt to their environment? a. They built their homes out of adobe b.They hunted seals c.They fished and hunted d.They grew maize CPS #11
How did the people of the plains adapt to their environment? a. They lived in teepees which could be moved b.They grew corn, beans and tomatoes c.They hunted small game d.They built cliff dwellings CPS #12
How did the Iroquois adapt to their environment? a. They were nomadic b.They lived in teepees c.They built longhouses d.They hunted buffalo CPS #13
How did the Alonquin adapt to their environment? a. They were nomadic b.They hunted seals c.They built longhouses d.They grew maize CPS #14