China and Japan : death, mourning India : rebirth, resurrection England : leisure, sports, peace Eastern countries : funerals, helpful people, children, mourning, autumn Western countries : brides, angels, good guys, hospitals, doctors, peace
China : stability, water, life Thailand : bad luck, unhappiness, evil Japan: night, mystery, anger Eastern countries : career, evil, knowledge, mourning, penance Western countries : funerals, death, Halloween (with orange), bad guys, rebellion
China : a man's wife is cheating on him (hat), desirability Great Britain : environment, quality Japan : life, hi-tech Australia : craftsmanship Egypt : fertility, vegetation
Thailand : mourning, widows Most Eastern countries : wealth The USA : nobility, law Brazil : mourning Most Western countries : power, nobility, luxury, elegance
China : good luck, celebration, summoning Hebrew : sacrifice, sin India : purity Russia : beauty, happiness Western Europe and the USA: excitement, passion, sex
The USA : happiness, sun, summer China : nourishing, royalty Egypt : mourning Japan : courage Spain : treason
Russia: hope, purity, peace, masculinity China : immortality Iran, Korea : mourning Egypt : truth, justice, virtue The USA : philosophy, soothing
The USA : money Latin America : pirates, riches Great Britain : royalty France : decoration, light Russia : aristocracy, riches
Western counties : love, babies, especially female babies, Valentine's Day India : happiness, hope Japan : spring, femininity, youth Turkey : birds Latin America : buildings
Western countries : wholesome, earthy, dependable, steadfast, health Eastern countries : wealth, prestige
Eastern countries : helpers, travel Western countries : boredom, dullness, sadness, strength, wisdom
blackblue black-butter A British or Italian black eye becomes blue in Germany, purple in Spain, and the French add some butter to make it a black-butter eye. blackblue greenblue black If English hooligans beat you black and blue, you will notice that the German ones prefer beating you green and blue, while the Italian make you a plain black. black If English people are quite glad to be invited to a black tie party, because of the glamour it involves, Italians are less enthused at the idea because the kind of party where you wear a black tie involves a coffin, too.
white whitewhite For the Italians a person with rare qualities is a white fly while for the Spanish the same person is white blackbird, in Russia – white craw. Bluegreen Blue jokes turn green in Spain. green yellow Your English, French, Italian neighbors are green with envy because of your beautiful garden, while the German one is yellow. greengreen green If you have a garden it probably means that you have green fingers (UK), green hands (German) or a green thumb (Italy). white In France you are as white as a sheet, in Italy as a cloth, in Germany as chalk or as the wall. white A white night is sleepless in French, Italian and Spanish, but not in English.
jet-black blackblack black In France and Britain something is jet-black or black like coal, in Germany it’s black like the night and in Italy it’s black like ebony or like sin, in Spain it’s black like coal tit. redyellow While the egg-white is the same everywhere, the yolk can be red (Italy), or yellow (the others). Redblack Red wine turns to black when in Italy, and it is simply colored in Spain. green bluewhite When they are scared the French are green with fear, while the Italians are blue or white.
blackwhite When hitting the bull’s eye, the Germans hit the black while the Spaniards hit the white. amber yellow orange The middle traffic light is amber in Britain, yellow in Italy, Germany and Spain and orange in France. Goldfish Goldfish are simply red fish for Italians and the French. Blue The Blue Prince in the meaning of how charming is Prince is used in Italy and Spain.