"Single window“ of non-commodity exports support
THE OBJECTIVES OF THE CENTER OF RUSSIAN EXPORT Diversification of the export structure and increasing the share of non-raw products The optimal conditions for the growth of exports and the number of exporters The uniform effective system of support for non-oil exports
N FINANCIAL SUPPORT ROSEXIMBANK REC - "SINGLE" EXPORTER SUPPORT WINDOW NON-FINANCIAL SUPPORT EXIAR Maintenance of projects, professional legal and consulting support, opportunities for insurance and financing of non-primary export operations
Priority directions ‣ Priority support of medium-sized companies ‣ Specialized industry support plans ‣ Support for the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights abroad ‣ Support for adaptation of products in foreign markets ‣ Support for exports through e-commerce channels REC KEY FUNCTIONS AS A “SINGLE WINDOW" FOR EXPORT SUPPORT
CONSULTING AND SUPPORT on foreign markets analysis and design of export project support for product promotion, search for partners and customers on Legal Affairs on the order of export procedures on the execution of the export contract on taxes and accounting assistance in the accordance of production with the requirements necessary for the export of goods (works, services) (standardization, certification, required permissions) Support for interaction with government agencies and partners Non-financial support REC KEY FUNCTIONS AS A “SINGLE WINDOW" FOR EXPORT SUPPORT
INTERNATIONAL ADAPTATION OF EXPORT GOODS Non-financial services advising exporters on the procedures and requirements for Russian products in foreign markets; assistance in the organization of obligatory certification in foreign markets; assistance in the organization of voluntary certification Working with regulators and organizations in the field of conformity assessment Financial services financing of the exporters costs associated with the adaptation of Russian products to foreign markets, including through work with regional infrastructure of export-oriented support SMSP (CPE) Regulators National Level Rosstandart, Rosaccreditation, Russian Ministry of Health, Roszdravnadzor, Rospotrebnadzor The supranational level ЕEК, ISO, IAF, ILAC, ЕОIS, ЕEК ООN Organizations National level UCM State Standard, RF CCI, CPE, VNIIS FBU "Firm" Interstandard " FSUE "STANDARTINFORM Supranational level REC Trading houses TUV, CERT, Buro Veritas Quality Internatijnal, DNV, UL
EXPORT PROJECT PORTFOLIO requests from exporting companies 860 requests 247 requests 90 in format of implementation support with signed individual support schemes 6
DISTRIBUTION OF EXPORT PROJECTS BY INDUSTRIES 7 Mechanic engineering Electrical equipment Construction Consumer goods industry Medical devices, pharmaceuticals Food industry Chemical industry Miscellaneous
GEOGRAPHIC SPREAD OF EXPORT PROJECTS 1. EC countries 2. USA, Canada 3. South America 4. Asia (including China, India) 5. CIS countries 6. Africa 8
National level Regulators: - Rosstandart (Federal Agency on Technical Regulation and Metrology) - RusAccreditation - the RF Ministry of Health - Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare - Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing Coordination Agreement Certification authorities: - Rosstandart Standardization, Metrology and Certification Centre -Testing laboratories accredited by IEC, ILAC, etc. - Certification agencies accredited by IAF, IATF, etc. Partnership Agreement Audit of compliance with Partner Program criteria Regulators: - EC Commission Directorates - Directorates (Institutes) on Standardization, Metrology and Quality of Vietnam, Egypt, UAE, Iran and other countries Supranational level Memorandum of Understanding Certification authorities: - UL - TUV - SGS - DQS - DNV - DEKRA Partnership Agreement Assessment against Partner Program Criteria Activities on Coordination of Regulators and Certification Authorities 7 Regional Export Support Infrastructure (RESI) Agreement on Coordination with Highest Executive Power Bodies of the RF Constituents 9