Today’s Class Error analysis Articles Vocabulary review BREAK Vocabulary review (cont.) Conditionals wrap-up
1.It was really good because I could make new friends there. 2.I was waiting for the bus to go back to my hotel. 3.I’d like to go to the west coast, to California. 4.I don’t want to wait a long time to get feedback. 5.I stayed in a guest house. 6.It depends on the family. 7.Do you plan to take a trip in the US? 8.I went to Jiangsu Province (in China).
Complete the sentences with an indefinite (a/an) or definite (the) article. 1. He thinks ____ sun and ____ moon revolve around him. 2. Don’t go in their house. ____ dog will bite you. 3. Pass me ____ salt, please. 4. Where did you leave ____ car? 5. Fred left ____ important book on his desk and had to return home to get ____ book. 6. Fred bought ____ book at the Coop. He later spoke to ____ author about it.
WHEN IS A NOUN SPECIFIC? The noun is unique in our world or universe: the earth, the sky, the stars The noun is clear from the situation: It’s snowing outside. The roads will be slippery. The noun is visible: Give me the keys, please. The noun is unique for members of the same family or community: Everyone is in the kitchen. The bookstore is at Kenmore Square. The noun is mentioned before: I have a class in the morning. The class starts at 9 o’clock. The related subject is mentioned before: The music has a French sound to it. The composer must be French.
Add a or the where necessary. Change small letters to capital letters where necessary. 1 ___ solo travel can easily open 2 ___ doors that would have stayed closed if you were 3 ___ couple or group. 4 ___ people will approach 5 ___ single woman more easily, and you may get invited to 6 ___ family gatherings or weddings just because you’re alone. There’s 7 ___ wedding in Bali and 8 ___ women’s family dinner in 9 ___ Sahara Desert I would have missed had I not been 10 ___ solo woman traveler.