T.S. Elliot Hollow Men
Biographical Information Internationally famous at an early age. Aristocratic New England family – believed fame was a form of vulgarity. People never really knew the man He was remote, austere, and self possessed. Most celebrated and influential poetry written in English over a span of three decades.
Biographical Information Educated at Harvard Settled in London before WWI Became a British citizen in 1927 1948 – awarded the Nobel Prize His techniques (along with those of Ezra Pound) became the hallmarks of modern poetry.
Biographical Information Had vast influence as a poet. His voice expressed dislocation and despair of the 20 th century World –weariness, restrained, impersonal cadence – widely imitated He believed that the work was the most important and it stood apart from the poet (creator).
Hollow Men Page 942
Getting Ready to Read Based on the title, what do you think the poem is about?
Background Many references to religion. Not trying to affirm Christianity, giving a picture of a world of godless despair, without religion or salvation. The first line of the poem is taken from Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness.
Heart of Darkness Kurtz journeys to the center of Africa and falls into degradation. Kurtz does not only physically die, but emotionally he dies. He is described as “hollow at the core.” Kurtz comes to realize that evil is at the very heart of life.
The Divine Comedy Written by Dante Alighieri It is broken up into three parts: Inferno, Pergatorio, and Paradiso Inferno is an allegorical journey through hell ending with Paradiso the exploration of heaven. Deals with the question of an afterlife and consequences of our life on earth.
Background Line 2: “A Penny for the Old Guy” is a historical reference. Gunpowder Plot – Nov. 5, 1605 people planned to kill King James I. (Guy Fawkes – leader) Fawkes was arrested and hanged. Every Nov. 5 th set bonfires all over England
Background Straw filled scarecrows that represent Fawkes are sent into flames – “stuffed men” from the poem Children become beggars who ask passersby to give them “a penny for the guy.”
Vocabulary Staves Prickly pear Cactus Rods or staffs
Allusions Lines 13-14: Those with “direct eyes” have crossed from the hollow men’s haunts into paradise. Dante’s Paradiso Line 60: tumid river – Hell’s swollen river, the Acheron in Dante’s Inferno. The damned must cross this river to enter the land of the dead.
Allusions Line 64: multifoliate rose – Dante describes Paradise as a rose of many leaves (Paradiso, Canto 32) Lines 74-75: reference to Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar Line 77: Closing of the Lord’s Prayer
Read the Poem
Re-Reading Lines 1-10: Which words and sounds are repeated most often in this stanza? Lines 19-28: What is “death’s dream kingdom” like? Lines 29-36: To what does the speaker wish to be “no nearer”? What is he trying to avoid by wearing disguises?
Re-Reading Lines 39-43: How do these lines bring back the original image/reference of dryness that we see in the first stanza? Lines 68-71: What is Elliot trying to achieve by distorting a common children’s rhyme in this manner? Line 77: What purpose is served by quoting this fragment of the Lord’s Prayer?
Re-Reading Why does Elliot end the poem with the word whimper ?