Gunpowder Plot A presentation by Lauri Miller James I &
The person of James I a God-fearing catholic Bisexuality Educated, love in literature Personal affairs Strife with the parliament
early years and CAREER Unstable rule of Scotland and the witch-hunts Flight of Mary and The union of two crowns Discordance with the English
Catholics hoping for CHANGE Dissapointed, they started plotting Gunpowder Plot was the 3rd conspiracy dissolved Bad light on catholicism
MODERN-DAY GUY FAWKES Comparison with al-Qaeda Celebration of Guy Fawkes Night Popularization by the movie „V for Vendetta“ Symbol of anonymity and rebellion (see punk) Remember, remember, The Fifth of November, Gunpowder treason and plot; For I see no reason Why Gunpowder Treason Should ever be forgot. ~Nursery rhyme