The period of Revolution and Restoration Historical Background Historical Background Literary Characteristics
Historical Background 1.The Contradictions between the Feudal System and the Ever-growing Bourgeoisie 2.James I Coming to the Throne 3.The Puritans and Charles I 4.Oliver Cromwell
5.Results of the Revolution: a. the supremacy of Parliament b. the beginning of modern England c. the final triumph of the principle of political liberty
I. The Start of the Stuart Dynasty II. James I III. Charles I IV. Oliver Cromwell V. Literary Characteristics
I. The Start of the Stuart Dynasty The next English royal dynasty were the Stuarts who started with James I who was the son of Mary Queen of Scots, the cousin of Queen Elizabeth I.
II. James I James I had been King of Scotland for 36 years when he became King of England. Although he was King of both countries, James's attempt to create a full governmental union proved premature.
the Authorized Bible the Authorized King James’s Version of the Bible 钦定本圣经, 1611 a new translation of the Bible William Tyndale
法国文学家雨果 (Victor- Marie Hugo, ) 说 : “ 英国有两本书:圣经和莎 士比亚;英国产生了莎士比 亚,但圣经产生了英国.”
The Gunpowder Plot (an attempt by Guy Fawkes and other Roman Catholic conspirators to blow up the Houses of Parliament) in 1605.
III. Charles I The second Civil War of 1648, which ended with Cromwell's victory at Preston in August On 20 January, Charles was charged with high treason “against the realm of England”. Charles refused to plead
IV. Oliver Cromwell ( ) English soldier and statesman helped make England a republic: the Commonwealth of England then ruled as lord protector from 1653 to 1658.
the Commonwealth of England The Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland, was the republican government which ruled first England and Wales, and then Ireland and Scotland from 1649 to 1660.
The government during 1653 to 1659 is properly called “The Protectorate”, and took the form of direct personal rule by Oliver Cromwell and, after his death, his son Richard, as Lord Protector.
It should not be confused with the Commonwealth of Nations (successor to the British Commonwealth in 1949).
V. English Restoration often shortened to the Restoration began in 1660 the English, Scottish and Irish monarchies were all restored under Charles II after the Commonwealth of England.
VI. Literary Characteristics I. The Puritan influence on Literary Art II. “Metaphysical” Poets and John DonneDonne III. John Milton & John Bunyan
Major writers John Donne: Metaphysical John Milton: The Milton Epics-Paradise Lost John Bunyan: The Pilgrim’s Progress
Puritans the name given in the 16th century to the more extreme Protestants (新教徒,基督教徒) within the Church of England who thought the English Reformation (英国宗教改革) had not gone far enough in reforming the doctrines and structure of the church.
They wanted to purify their national church by eliminating every shred of Catholic influence. In the 17th century many Puritans emigrated to the New World, where they sought to found a holy Commonwealth in New England.
Puritans believed that human beings were predestined by God before they were born. Some were God’s chosen people while others were predestined to be damned to hell.
The four principles Hard work Thrift Piety Severity
广东商学院 2008 年 英美文学 7. In English history, the reestablishment of the monarchy on the accession of Charles II from 1660 to 1688 is called the _______.