Daily Writing Question 3/4 Why might Martin Luther King Jr.’s approach to progress within the Civil Rights Movement have been problematic for some people? What do you believe the best course of action might have been?
Civil Rights Movement The Later Years
Malcolm X Born Malcolm Little, AKA el-Hajj Malik el- Shabazz Harsh critic of white America, openly called out the broader culture for crimes against black America Became a member of the Nation of Islam Promoted black supremacy, advocated the separation of black and white Americans, rejected the Civil Rights Movement for their emphasis on integration
Further developed his beliefs as he aged – Broke with Nation of Islam in 1964 Assassinated by 3 Nation of Islam members – February 21, 1965 Often held up as a foil to MLK Very close with Muhammad Ali Varied reactions to his death – Some of the press and major figures are very critical, others are sympathetic
Black Power Events like the Watts Riots (August 1965) anger and frustrate people who want more progress SNCC, headed by Stokely Carmichael, rejects non-violence – CORE also endorses Black Power, SCLC/NAACP do not Violence is accepted as a legitimate form of self-defense. Black autonomy and separatism are common ideologies among members
Lecture Question #1 Why were black Americans so frustrated? What can the debate between the two ideologies tell us about the feelings of the black community in the 1960s?
The Black Panthers Formed on October 15, 1966 – initially to monitor and challenge power abuses by police in Oakland, CA Revolutionary black nationalist and socialist in ideology Instituted community social programs to support black community Under heavy FBI surveillance
Assassination of MLK April 4, 1968 in Memphis, TN In Memphis to support a sanitation workers’ strike Shot by a sniper (James Earl Ray) while standing on the balcony of his hotel. Riots erupt in more than 100 cites across the country Helps push through the Civil Rights Act of 1968
Lecture Question #2 What was Kennedy’s overall message? How does Kennedy’s advice offer a contrasting viewpoint to many dominant perspectives being spread during this time period?
Assassination of RFK June 6, 1968 in Los Angeles, CA (Shot on June 5) Had just won the California presidential primary, was making a speech to his supporters – Shot by Sirhan Sirhan, a Palestinian immigrant Had experienced a large amount of support in his bid for the White House
The Aftermath Contributes to an overall feeling of disillusionment across the country. Both (really, all 3) assassinations permanently change the course of American history Nation enters a general period of upheaval. – Questioning of American ideals – Challenging traditional power structures
Paragraph Response How are the final years of the Civil Rights Movement different than the early years and the climax of the movement? How do those differences reflect the changing mood of the nation? What do you believe was the driving force behind the movement in the later years?