Public Service Announcement Humanities for Humanity
Groups O 3 or 4 students per group O Your Humanities for Humanity supervisor will tell you which group you are in. O Each group will make one PSA.
Example 1: Words Hurt!
Example 2: Pet Adoption
Example 3: Forest Fire Prevention
Your PSA Must… O Promote a value you find important and necessary for people to understand (this should go along with your big topic). O Incorporate multimedia effectively (text, music, visuals). O Be written with effective word choice appropriate for audience and purpose.
And It Must Include… O Elements of a PSA in logical order (but not necessarily in this order): O An appeal to emotion O A powerful image O A catchy slogan O Information or a situation that created the need for the PSA
Are You Getting a Grade for This? O YES! O This will be graded by your English teacher, according to the rubric that your room supervisors pass out to each group.
When Is It Due? Friday, May 8
What is Due on May 8? 1. The actual PSA 2. An explanation of your choices (your supervisor will give you the PSA Project Elements handout to complete). EACH student needs to complete this and turn it in to his/her English teacher.