The contact lens was first introduced by Leonardo da Vinci in 1508 Studies show that apes experience dips in happiness in their middle ages, just like humans do OJ Simpson was originally cast to play the terminator, but director James Cameron did not think he was believable as a killer
Unit X Lesson 3
Europe had suffered through years of disease, death, war, and suffering during the Middle Ages People wanted to enjoy life so they questioned the Church which taught to endure suffering for a heavenly reward They also began to reject medieval society and values as they blocked social advancement People began to look to the past for ideas
The period between 1350 and 1550 became known as the Renaissance Means “rebirth” This period is marked by the “rebirth” of Greek and Roman knowledge and arts in Europe The Renaissance began in the Northern Italian city-states and spread into Northern and Western Europe The Renaissance marks the birth of the modern world
Overseas trade had been sparked by the Crusades There was an increased demand for Middle Eastern products This then stimulated a production of goods to trade in the Middle Eastern Markets This led to the growth of many large city- states in northern Italy Their wealth was built on trade
During this time period independent city- states like Florence, Venice, Genoa, and Milan emerged Initially they were independent city-states that were governed as republics (not a united Italian nation-state) They all had access to major Mediterranean trade routes- connecting Europe to the Middle Eastern Markets They served as trading centers for the distribution of goods to Northern Europe
Trade became easier during this time Merchants offered lines of credit to traders Letters of credit served to expand the supply of money and expedite trade They improved accounting and bookkeeping using Arabic numerals Usury – the practice of lending money at unreasonably high interest rates This practice was forbidden by the Catholic Church Led to a conflict between the Catholic Church and wealthy
As a result of increased trading, Italian merchants became wealthy and used their money to find the arts Patrons – people who paid artists to create works of art and writers to produce works that would express the Renaissance world view (Humanism)
Renaissance art and literature focused on individuals and worldly matters (secular) more than Christianity This is known as Humanism Renaissance Art depicted scenes of everyday life Humans doing normal, everyday things Focused on the ideas of human potential and achievement Example: David-picture of the human body and anatomy
Medieval art and literature focused on the Church and salvation Renaissance art and literature focused on the individual, but did blend with Christianity They believed in the people’s ability to improve while the church saw man sinful by nature Renaissance thinkers studied history, literature, and various other subjects to expand their knowledge
Leonardo da Vinci was a painter, sculptor, inventor, and scientist He filed notebooks with many great observations and new inventions He is famous for the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper
Michelangelo was an artist, sculptor, and painter He glorified the human body Created the statue of David and the dome of the Sistine Chapel
Raphael learned from studying the works of da Vinci and Michelangelo Famous for painting “School of Athens” His favorite subject was the Madonna and child Donatello made sculpture more realistic by carving natural postures and expressions that revealed personality
Francesco Petrarca, known as Petrarch, was an Italian Poet and one of the most influential humanists He wrote that learning made people nobler He is best known for developing the Italian sonnet- a 14 line poem divided into a group of 8 and 6 lines, each with its own rhyming scheme He wrote in both Italian and Latin
Niccolo Machiavelli was a writer, patriot, poet, and historian Examined the imperfect conduct of human beings Wrote “The Prince” about how a ruler can gain power An early modern treatise on government Supports the absolute power of the ruler Maintains that the end justifies the means Advises that one should not only do good if possible, but do evil when necessary
Increased wealth in northern European trading cities led to the emergence of patrons across northern Europe Northern Renaissance painters and writers used religious and secular subjects In the North, writers combined humanist ideas with the teachings of Christianity
Johann Gutenberg was an inventor from the time Made famous by the invention of the movable type printing press This made books cheaper and able to be printed in the common language The printing press helped increase the production of books (i.e. Gutenberg Bible) and helped to disseminate Renaissance ideas
Desiderius Erasmus was a Dutch writer and Catholic priest In The Praise and Folly, he criticized the Catholic Church’s power and its impact on European Society
Thomas More was an English lawyer, statesman, and Writer In Utopia, More tried to show a model for a better society He wrote about an imaginary land inhabited by a peaceful people, who lived without greed, corruption, war, and crime