Rules 1. Everyone is shown a list of 5 categories to do with level 3 Geo (it will stay on the board, don’t write down)
Rules 2. A letter is chosen a letter from the alphabet. A, B, C, D, E, F, G…
Rules 3. Each team must choose a word for each category that begins with that letter. CategoriesAnswers 1. ClothingSocks 2. SportsSoccer S
Rules 4. Each team’s answer must be unique to earn a point. CategoriesAnswers 1. ClothingShirt 2. SportsSoccer CategoriesAnswers 1. ClothingSocks 2. SportsSoccer
Rules 5. Teams have 5 minutes to write their answers.
Ready? Each team needs a piece of paper and a pen to write their answers.
Category 1. Something to do with glacial processes 2. An attraction in Rotorua 3. Something to do with vegetation in the TVZ 4. A reason people visit Rotorua 5. A developing country Round 1 This could be a place/glacier name…
Category 1. Something to do with volcanic processes 2. A tourist market Rotorua appeals to 3. A reason erosion occurs in the TVZ 4. A reason for change in the tourism process (anywhere) 5. A place in New Zealand Round 2
Category 1. Something to do with tectonic processes 2. A participant in the tourism industry (anywhere) 3. A place in the TVZ 4. A pattern in the tourism industry 5. A capital city Round 3 Does not have not be a “pattern word”
The End