Red Raider Softball Handbook
Head Coach – Maggie Stephenson (903) (Office) **My office is located in the locker room** (614) (Cell) 2 years varsity assistant coach (Robert E. Lee HS in Tyler, TX) 2 years varsity assistant coach (Pickerington Central HS in Pickerington, OH) At Pickerington Central in 2012, led the Tigers to a 25-6 overall record and a District Championship NCAA Division I softball player at Brigham Young University Won a NCAA Regional Championship in 2010 at the University of Texas in Austin, with a Super Regional Appearance in Tucson, Arizona BYU Softball Academic Player of the Year in 2010 Attend the Catholic Cathedral downtown and have traveled to Costa Rica and Dominican Republic on church mission trips
Assistant Coach Daniel Hancock junky. *I *I am an outdoor junky. *I stay active in many outdoor activities such as: Hiking, Fishing, Kayaking, Hunting, and Camping. *I like to travel, explore, read, write, and learn about new things. *I have been actively involved with many sports over the course of my life. *My favorite sports are Baseball (Softball) and Boxing. *My athletic role model is Muhammad Ali. He is a man of vision and perseverance. He believes that people should never stop striving to be the person they desire to be no matter what obstacles stand in the way. *I like to travel, explore, read, write, and learn about new things. *I have been actively involved with many sports over the course of my life. *My favorite sports are Baseball (Softball) and Boxing. *My athletic role model is Muhammad Ali. He is a man of vision and perseverance. He believes that people should never stop striving to be the person they desire to be no matter what obstacles stand in the way. bout Me: *I am an outdoor junky. *I stay active in many outdoor activities such as: Hiking, Fishing, Kayaking, Hunting, and Camping. *I like to travel, explore, read, write, and learn about new things. *I have been actively involved with many sports over the course of my life. *My favorite sports are Baseball (Softball) and Boxing. *My athletic role model is Muhammad Ali. He is a man of vision and perseverance. He believes that people should never stop striving to be the person they desire to be no matter what obstacles stand in the way.
Assistant Coach – Michelle Giles
Our goal is to provide players the opportunity to grow as young women, be successful students, and reach their softball potential. The coaching staff makes every effort to model appropriate behavior and expects our players to behave like responsible young women. Academic success is a must! Students must pass to play. Our softball program strives to teach players the basic fundamentals, team strategies, and the rules of the game that are necessary to participate at the high school level.
Be Prepared! REL softball shirt, black shorts, and shoes (cleats and running shoes), and glove are required every day. Accent color on shorts and socks must be school colors. **The only acceptable jewelry is stud earrings and a necklace which needs to be tucked inside your shirt** NO bracelets, hoop earrings, etc. RESPECT PEOPLE AND PROPERTY! *No one is allowed in the dressing rooms except for athletes *Keep YOUR locker room clean *Lock ALL valuables in your locker *Do not prop the door open
. Players must adhere to softball program rules as well as U.I.L., TISD and Robert E. Lee regulations. We attempt to place players on teams and position them in a way to maximize their playing time as well as to make them successful. Tryouts begin the first day of school. Players are constantly evaluated and rosters are selected prior to the start of the season. Rosters are subject to change throughout the season. Playing time is earned not only by ability, but by practice effort and attitude. It is not earned by classification, personality, or parental influence. We value every person in the program, but no individual is more important that the team. Your actions in the classroom as well as the softball field reflect on the entire program. Parent philosophies, beliefs and comments are respected but not solicited. Inappropriate parent/fan behavior can result in consequences for both the person involved and the softball program.
Garland Garland Lakeview Cent Garland Naaman Forest Garland Rowlett Garland Sachse North Garland Rockwall Tyler Lee
We, and some of you, worked really hard to get our new lockers painted, put together, and moved in to our locker room. PLEASE TAKE CARE OF THEM!! - Do NOT write or put stickers on any of the lockers You must meet criteria before earning a Varsity locker Each of you will need to purchase a combination lock for your assigned locker - You must give your combination to the coaches to keep on record
Why I Coach Our greatest contribution is in teaching young people the values of competition: to make a commitment, to work hard, to strive for excellence, to sacrifice to make the team better and to be the best you can be as a person and an athlete.
Always appreciate and value the opportunity to be a part of something so great- a team. Our coaches expect your absolute best this season. “Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose.”