ESSENTIAL QUESTION How did the Scientific Revolution draw upon Renaissance ideals?
Notes & Research PowerPoint Create a graphic organizer with names of these individuals listed on the left side and their accomplishments to the right Nicolaus Copernicus Tycho Brahe Johannes Kepler Gaileo Francis Bacon Rene Descartes Andreas Vesalius Ambroise Pare Robert Boyle Isaac Newton
EXIT SLIP Answer your assigned question on the distributive practice sheet and turn into the basket before you leave: #1. Why did the theories of Copernicus and Galileo threaten the views of the Church? #2. In what ways did the scientific method differ from earlier approaches to learning? #3. What impact did the Renaissance have on medicine? #4. How did Newton use the ideas of Plato?
Works Cited Be sure to include print and electronic sources and put them in alphabetical order.