CHARLES DARWIN Study animals to understand human behavior Sexual selection – explained structures unrelated to survival Kin selection – explained altruism
WILLIAM WUNDT Father of Psychology German First Psychology Lab 1874 Structuralism- analysis of sensations & feelings through use of Introspection Introspection – inspection of one’s own thoughts Found Unreliable & Unscientific
WILLIAM JAMES American 1st Psychology Lab in US 1875 Harvard College Functionalism – How behavior works to help people to live in their environment Stream of Thought (Consciousness) The whole continuous & changing He suffered from depression
IVAN PAVLOV Russian Behaviorist Classical Conditioning and Uncontrolled responses
JOHN B. WATSON American Behaviorist Emotional Conditioning “Little Albert” Experiment
B.F. SKINNER American Behaviorist Operant Conditioning Free will is an illusion Reinforcement & Punishments Associations
SIGMUND FREUD Austrian Psychoanalysis Unconscious mind & early childhood experiences cause adult personality and behavior Conscious mind is only the tip of the iceberg Primitive biological impulses lay just beneath the surface
CARL ROGERS American Humanism Fully-Functioning Self Free Will & Self Determination “A person cannot teach another person directly; a person can only facilitate another's learning”