Glenna - The Nordic Cloud NeIC 2015 Dan Still (CSC – IT Center for Science Ltd.) Helsinki May 7th, 2015
Glenna: opening in the “Nordic” clouds 2
Glenna - Project Idea 3 The goal of the project is to share knowledge and set best practices on managing cloud services and to create a Nordic federated cloud service, driven by the need of the Nordic researchers.
Glenna project objectives 1.Enable easy access through the KALMAR2 federated trust service 2.Sharing technologies to improve quality and security of cloud services 3.Sharing user experiences on a Nordic level to improve quality and to increase the available set of services 4.Sharing cloud administrative work – improving the service availability to the users 5.Enable data sharing (enabling new research) and – increasing overall availability and security of data (avoiding data loss) 6.Create a resource sharing solution to simplifying the usage and sharing of Nordic Cloud resources 7.Enable billing and accounting within the Nordic Cloud – to create a fair sharing of resources and funding. This will also simplify for external funding of research. 5
Project Timeline End of November 2015: Demonstration of concept with selected pilots from 2-5 Nordic countries. – Demonstrators run by end-user, showing the functionality of all needed steps. – Demonstrator of funding scheme process. June 2016: Fully functional infrastructure – Nordic Cloud infrastructure services operational with Nordic users, including the AAI, monitoring, billing and balancing of resources needed. Including defined and agreed organization of responsibilities between the national resource providers and NeIC. 6
7 Workpackages WP0 Project mgmt WP1IaaS in Nordic Countries (Knowledge sharing (Openstack) WP2Federated resources (accounts, billing (technical aspects), data transfer) WP3 VM mgmt (security, image banks, configuration mgmt, automated building) WP4SaaS and PaaS development (initial focus on data analytics (Hadoop, Spark)) WP5Policy / SLA / Legal (billing and accounting policy) WP6User training, Documentation and Dissemination (including scientific portals?)
Current Working Group Ole Frendved Hansen, DeIC, Denmark Uwe Grawert, CSC, Finland Harri Hämäläinen, CSC, Finland Risto Laurikainen, CSC, Finland Dan Still, CSC, Finland Olli Tourunen, CSC, Finland Magnús Gíslason, UI, Iceland Hjörleifur Sveinbjörnsson, UI, Iceland Roy Dragseth, University of Tromsø, Norway Daniel.Huluka, UiB, Norway Thomas Röblitz, UiO, Norway Gurvinder Singh, Uninett, Norway Åke Edlund, PDC, Sweden Daniel Petersen, HPC2N, Sweden 8
Project Kick Off 9