FEDERAL LANDS ACCESS PROGRAM UT FLAP Prospective Applicant Webinar Thursday, March 31, 2016 Chris Longley, FLAP Program Manager Morgan Malley, FLAP Lead Transportation Planner CENTRAL FEDERAL LANDS HIGHWAY DIVISION
FLH Mission 2 Improving transportation to and within Federal and Tribal Lands by providing technical services to the highway transportation community, as well as building accessible and scenic roads that ensure the many national treasures, within our Federal Lands, can be enjoyed by all.
FLH Programs 3 Federal Lands Transportation Program – Improve transportation facilities owned and maintained by a federal agency - typically within a national park, forest, wildlife refuge, BLM lands, BOR lands, or USACE lands Federal Lands Access Program - Improve transportation facilities owned or maintained by a non-federal agency providing access to, adjacent to, or location within federal lands (typically national parks, forests, wildlife refuges, BLM lands, BOR lands, or USACE lands) Tribal Transportation Program - Provide safe and adequate transportation and public road access to and within Indian reservations, Indian lands, and Alaska Native Village communities
Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) 4 Background: Created in MAP-21. Continues in the FAST Act $250M to $270M authorized in the FAST Act Goals: Improve transportation facilities that provide access to, are adjacent to, or are located within Federal lands Supplements State and local resources for public roads, transit systems, and other transportation facilities Emphasis on high-use Federal recreation sites and Federal economic generators
FLAP Basics - FAQ’s 5 #1 How are the FLAP funds allocated? #2 Who makes the programming decisions? #3 What are the typical evaluation criteria? #4 What are the eligibility requirements? #5 What types of projects are eligible? #6 Is FLAP different from grant programs? #7 What are the local match requirements? #8 How do I get my Project in this Program? #9 What is the process if my project is selected?
#1 How are FLAP Funds Allocated? 6 $250 million 80% of FLAP ($200 million) > 1.5% of Federal Land 20% of FLAP ($50 million) < 1.5% of Federal Land % of Federally Owned Acreage by State
#1 How are FLAP Funds Allocated? (con.) 7
#2 Who Makes Programming Decisions? 8 The Programming Decisions Committee (PDC) in each state Members include representatives from: FHWA - Federal Lands Highway Division Office State DOT An appropriate political subdivision of the State (UT – Utah Association of Counties) The PDC in each State develops their own processes and evaluation criteria
#3 What are the Evaluation Criteria? 9 Access, Mobility, and Connectivity Provides access to a high-use Federal recreation sites Improves and enhance access Improves access for alternative modes Economic Development Describe role in local economy Preservation Preserves an existing facility Improves condition of a facility Improves a deficient structure
#3 What are the Evaluation Criteria? 10 Safety Needed safety improvement? Accident history, roadside hazards? Improve safety for a wide range of users? Environmental Quality & Sustainability Meet FLMA environmental goals Improve wildlife connectivity or habitat Is Environmental compliance complete?
#3 What are the Evaluation Criteria? 11 Funding, Coordination, and Cost Realistic scope and cost Scope will meet federal standards and requirements (ex. NEPA) Partnerships and funding from other sources
#4 What are the Eligibility Requirements? 12 Public highway, road, bridge, trail or transit system Located on, is adjacent to, or provides access to Federal lands Title or maintenance responsibility is vested with State, County, Local Government, or Tribe Local match requirements met Endorsed and supported by FLMA
13 Common Eligibility Scenarios
#5 What Types of Projects are Eligible? 14 Per legislation: Eligible activities for transportation facilities located on or adjacent to, or that provide access to, Federal lands include: Rehabilitation / Restoration / Construction / Reconstruction Engineering Preventative Maintenance Operation and maintenance of transit facilities Planning & Research Any transportation project eligible for assistance under Title 23
#5 What Types of Projects get Selected? 15 PDC’s set selection criteria and have the ultimate programming decision Typical projects selected include: Roadway realignment & reconstruction Roadway widening To improved safety, provide additional capacity, meet minimum standards, provide bike and/or pedestrian facilities, etc. Pavement rehabilitation (ex. pulverize and overlay) Bridge replacement Multi-use paved trails Road appurtenances and safety improvements associated with project Signing, striping, guardrail, sight distance improvements, etc.
#5 What Types of Projects get Selected? 16 Cycle 1 Call for Projects 32 applications received 5 projects programmed ($35M) 2 roadway widening/asphalt surfacing of gravel road for safety and bike/peds 2 roadway widening/surface improvement for safety and bike/peds 1 full roadway reconstructions 1 legacy project from Forest Hwy Program carried forward and programmed for $19M (full roadway reconstruction)
#6 Is FLAP Different from Grant Programs? 17 Most grant programs are economic aid/financial assistance programs where the federal government provides funding to a local agency for them to carry out a public purpose The Federal Lands Access Program is typically delivered by Federal Lands Highway Division “Cradle to Grave” Project Development Acquisition and Contracting Construction Administration Strong partnership with local agencies and FLMA’s
#7 What are the Local Match Requirements? 18 Federal share of a project to be determined in accordance with 23 U.S.C Sliding scale by state based on amt. of publicly owned land (80% to 95%) Utah – Federal share is 93.23% (min. local match required is 6.77%) Federal funds (Title 23 or 49) may NOT be used match Exception, FLTP and TTP Title 23 funds may be used as match Hard match (cash) is preferred PDC can allow other types Typically allowed ROW acquisition & utility relocation Typically not allowed In-kind services, labor, equipment
#7 What are the Local Match Requirements? 19 Local share can be tapered (delayed) if approved by CFLHD and the PDC if it results one or more of the following (follows Federal Aid procedure): Use of tapered match, when compared to the use of traditional match procedures, would result in an earlier project completion Project costs would be reduced by using a tapered match Use of tapered match would provide for additional non-Federal funds to be leveraged for the project PDC’s typically rank projects with overmatch and/or leveraging of other fund sources higher than those with minimum match proposed
#8 How do I get my Project in this Program? 20 UT FLAP Call for Projects is now OPEN Program $30-$40 M for Fiscal Years 2019 – 2022 Call ends June 10, 2016 Shortlist Projects in July/August 2016 Check webpage for updates as well as more detailed program information, Q&A, guidance, etc.
Overview of Project Application Packet 21
Project Application 22 GENERAL INFORMATION
23 Project Application BACKGROUND
24 Project Application PROPOSED PROJECT
25 Project Application PROPOSED PROJECT
26 Project Application COST ESTIMATE
27 Project Application FUNDING
28 Project Application EVALUATION CRITERIA
29 Project Application- Supplemental Form ALT. TRANS. WORKSHEET
30 Applicant Endorsement Form SIGNATURE FORM
Application Tips 33 Review Program Guidance for: Eligibility Match Requirements Review Evaluation Criteria from PDC Coordinate with FLMA Provide best data available ADT /Visitation Data if available, if not make assumptions ROW and Utility Info Pavement info Answer all questions
Application Tips 34 Provide photos, maps and any other info that will help the PDC understand the project Complete cost estimate that makes sense (assume federally delivered) Be clear about funding sources Include options for scaling/phasing project if applicable Provide all letters of support for project
#9 Process if my Project is Selected? 35 PDC notifies applicants of projects shortlisted Reimbursable agreement between CFL and local agency for match of scoping efforts CFL scopes project with applicant and FLMA CFL develops project delivery plan Scoping Report including project risks (NEPA, ROW, Utilities, etc.) and options (if feasible) Detailed Cost Estimate (Constr. and Engineering Costs)
#9 Process if my Project is Selected? 36 PDC reviews project delivery plans and determines if project will be placed in the final program Reimbursable agreement is updated to include match for full project costs CFL (typically) delivers project through construction Strong partnership through project development and construction with local agencies and FLMAs
37 Overview of Project Application Process
Utah FLAP 2016 Call for Project Applications Detailed Schedule 38
FLAP Contacts 39 FLAP CFLHD Contacts CFLHD, Chris Longley, FLAP Program Manager CFLHD, Morgan Malley, FLAP Lead Planner Additional FLAP Information
Federal Lands Access Program 40 Qu Q Questions? ?