Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives Characterization of a new Photon counting Detector with XRF (X-ray fluorecense) Francesca Bisello, IBA-Dosimetry
Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives Dosepix: General overview of Detector Dosepix: Comparison of Calibration Methods Dosepix: Measuring Xray Spectra (preliminary results) Outline Outline Dosepix CalibrationMethods XraySpectra Conclusion
Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives Hybrid Pixel Detector Single Photon Counting Detector : Time-over-Threshold Method Dosepix: General Overview Outline Dosepix CalibrationMethods XraySpectra Conclusion
Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives kVp Mode (counting) Dosi Mode Dosepix: General Overview Outline Dosepix CalibrationMethods XraySpectra Conclusion
Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives kVp Mode Dosi Mode (assessing energy) Dosepix: General Overview Outline Dosepix CalibrationMethods XraySpectra Conclusion
Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives This is a Pixel Wise Calibration Analog Test-Pulse Calibration Methods I: Analog Test Pulse method Outline Dosepix CalibrationMethods XraySpectra Conclusion The ToT value for each Test Pulse is recorded
Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives Pixel Wise Calibration Analog Test-Pulse Calibration Methods I: Analog Test Pulse method Outline Dosepix CalibrationMethods XraySpectra Conclusion The ToT value for each Test Pulse is recorded
Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives Calibration Methods I: Analog Test Pulse method Outline Dosepix CalibrationMethods XraySpectra Conclusion
Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives XRF Calibrations Calibration Methods II: Energy Calibration with Fluorescence line Outline Dosepix CalibrationMethods XraySpectra Conclusion
Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives XRF Lines Calibration Methods III: Energy Calibration with Fluorescence line Outline Dosepix CalibrationMethods XraySpectra Conclusion Response of one pixel at different fluorescence lines
Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives Interpolation and Fitting of the response of one pixel Calibration Methods IV: Determine the DOSEPIX KeV – TOT response curve Outline Dosepix CalibrationMethods XraySpectra Conclusion MaterialEnergy (KeV) Pb11.41 Ag22.10 Sn25.07 Cu8.06 W9.67
Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives Interpolation and Fitting of the response of one chip (256 pixels) Calibration Methods IV: Determine the DOSEPIX KeV – TOT response curve Outline Dosepix CalibrationMethods XraySpectra Conclusion MaterialEnergy (KeV) Pb11.41 Ag22.10 Sn25.07 Cu8.06 W9.67
Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives Calibration Methods V : From Analogue Test Pulse to Energy Calibration Outline Dosepix CalibrationMethods XraySpectra Conclusion Analog Test Pulse Calibration Energy Calibration
Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives Calibration Methods V : From Analogue Test Pulse to Energy Calibration Outline Dosepix CalibrationMethods XraySpectra Conclusion Analog Test Pulse Calibration Energy Calibration
Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives Energy Calibrated Spectra at Xray device Overlapping Method for Energy Binning Pixel 1 Pixel 2 Xray Spectra: Preliminary results Outline Dosepix CalibrationMethods XraySpectra Conclusion
Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives Detector Characterization: Thr: An TP 5-7 KeV Second order proportionality between An. Test Pulse and Energy Energy Resolution: expected to be better than 1 kV, however preliminary results not conclusive Future Work Clinical Application Conclusion Outline Dosepix CalibrationMethods XraySpectra Conclusion
Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives Collaborators and partners This research project has been supported by a Marie Curie Early Initial Training Network Fellowship of the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme under contract number (PITN-GA ARDENT). I.Ritter 2, F. Tennert 2, T. Gabor 2,5, M. Campbell 3, W.S. Wong 3, S. Wölfel 1, G.Anton 2, N.Michel 4 and T. Michel 2 1- IBA Dosimetry GmbH, Bahnhofstraße 5, Schwarzenbruck, Germany 2-Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics, Radiation and Detector Physics, Erwin-Rommel-Str. 1, Erlangen, Germany 3- Medipix Team, Microelectronics Group, CERN, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland 4- Customized Microelectronic Solutions, Bruckwiesenstr. 3,91220 Schnaittach,Germany 5- Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, Heidenhofstraße 2, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
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