Unit 3 Travel Journal Warming up & Reading. Enjoy beautiful scenery. Enrich our knowledge Communicate with different people and make friends keep healthy.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 3 Travel Journal Warming up & Reading

Enjoy beautiful scenery. Enrich our knowledge Communicate with different people and make friends keep healthy and good mood…

Which means of transportation do you choose? ( advantage/disadvantage ) the fastest /the most expensive/ the safest/ cause little pollution Fire balloon

Task 2: What need we think about before traveling? ?

Proverbs( 谚语 ) Keep everything before a rainy day. 未雨绸缪,有备无患。 Beforehand preparation leads to success. 凡事预则立。


 Read the passage quickly to match the main idea of each paragraph. Para.1 Para.2 Para.3 Details about the Mekong River Different attitudes between them. Their dream Task 1: Scanning Reading (An attitude is what a person thinks about something.)

Para 1

Who and what Wang Kun and ___ ____ Wang Wei are dreaming about_____________________. his sister taking a great bike trip

Where and How They have the idea to ___ _____the Mekong River from ______ it ______to _____ it _____. cycle along where begins whereends

Journey down the Mekong

China Laos( 老挝 ) Thailand( 泰国 ) Vietnam( 越南 ) Cambodia( 柬埔寨 ) Task 3: List the countries that the Mekong River flows through Myanmar( 缅甸 ) The route

Para 2

How do you know she is stubborn? Although she didn’t know the best way of getting to places, she insisted that she organize the trip properly. Now I know the proper way is always her way. She gave me a determined look – the kind that said she would not change her mind. Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it. Finally, I had to give in.

 Bought expensive mountain bikes.  Wang Wei got their cousins interested in cycling.  They turned to the atlas in the library. a book of maps Preparations: What did they do several months before their trip?

The Mekong River begins in a ______ on a Tibetan Mountain At first… small, clear, cold. Then…moves quickly, becomes______ as it passes through _______. Sometimes…becomes a ________. After…leaves China and high altitude …becomes_____,______,_____. As…enters ________ _____,its _____ slows. It makes _____ or meanders to the _________. At last… the river delta enters the ______ _____ ____. Task 6: Read Para.3 carefully to fill in the blanks: wide brown warm Southeast Asiapace bends China Sea rapids valleys waterfall glacier South plains

1.Wang kun is a high school student. 2.Both Dao Wei and Yu Hang are Dai and they grew up in eastern Yunnan province. 3.The source of Mekong is in Qinghai province. 4.They found no atlas about Mekong River in library. 5. Mekong river begins at glacier on a Tibet mountain. the water there is clear but not cold. 6. Only a small part of the river is in China. 7.As it enters Southeast Asia, it moves slowly. F  Listen to the tape and do the T/F. F F F F T T Task. 7 Consolidation

 What can you get from the whole passage?( ) A.Never try to such an adventurous( 冒险的 ) trip for it’s too dangerous. B. Success in life is easy to get so long as ( 只要 )you try. C. Do not travel with a stubborn friend. D. Success needs determination but safety is the key. D

glacier--- a river with large body of ice

rapids--- a part of the river which flows fast

waterfall--- a river goes down from a high place


plain--- a large flat place

1). dream n. v. of/about sth. (vi.) a…dream (vt.) that… (vt.) sb. to be … (vt.) dream dreamed/dreamt

1) 他梦想着有一天为自己工作, 没有老板. He dreams of working for himself and not having a boss one day.= He dreams that one day he will work for himself and not have a boss. 2) 我做梦也没想到他是个撒谎的人. I never dreamed him to be a liar.

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