How to Write a (Literary Analysis) Research Paper …with as few tears as possible.
What follows is a series of short videos produced by Professor Daniel Martin of Austin Community College in Austin, Texas. He has produced a series of short videos addressing the different steps of a research project. These videos are not necessarily in the order that you will do them as you undertake your literary analysis paper, so check the title at the top of each slide and watch those presentations that address the questions you have right now. The documents to which he refers are those handouts he has for his English classes. Anything that you’ll need to see is on the screen. PLEASE take notes if you need to do so – if you’re afraid you won’t remember how to do something. Of course, you can always come back and watch the video again!
How to Craft a Good Thesis Statement
Research Writing Pt 1 - Searching, Collecting, Citing
Research Writing Pt 2 - Annotated Bibliography
Building Your Works Cited Page from Your Working Bibliography
How to Write Effective Conclusions in Argumentative Research Writing
How to Embed and Discuss Evidence in Argumentative Research Writing
How to Write Effective Body Paragraphs in an Argumentative Research Paper
How to Craft a Good Thesis Statement for Your Argumentative Research Paper
How to Write an Introduction in Argumentative Research Writing
How to Outline Your Argumentative Research Paper - Pt 1
How to Outline an Argumentative Research Paper - Part 2
How to Outline Your Argumentative Research Paper - Pt 3
Highlighting, Taking Notes, Downloading Notes in Opposing Viewpoints
Citing, Saving, Downloading, and Working Bibliography with Opposing Viewpoints
How to Build a Working Bibliography Page
Literary Analysis Research Writing - Body Paragraphs (pt 1)
Literary Analysis Research Writing - Body Paragraphs (pt 2)
MLA Annotated Bibliography vs Works Cited
MLA format in Google Docs