Which year? (1920’s, 1930’s, 1940’s, 1950’s, 1960’s, 1970’s, 1980’s, 1990’s, Today)
Which year? (1930’s, 1940’s,1960’s, 1970’s, 1980’s, 1990’s, Today)
Which year? (1930’s, 1940’s,1970’s, 1990’s, Today)
a pair of yellow socks a purple dress a turquoise sweater a pair of grey trousers/pants a blue blazer a pair of blue jeans a pair of brown shoes a pair of red shorts a white shirt a red and white baseball cap a pink dress a pair of white trainers a purple skirt a brown shoe a pair of brown trousers/pants a greenT-shirt a pair of grey glasses
Practice WORKSHEET ON CLOTHING 5 minutes When you are finished continue filling in your content sheet.
Correction Earring Key chain Scarf Swimsuit Boots Hat Pajama Sunglasses Bag Hairpin Overalls Sweater T-shirt
Designs A plain black t-shirt. A green and white polka-dot t-shirt. A multicolour striped sweater. A pair of red plaid pants. A leopard print dress.
Details Button Collar Sleeve Pocket Zipper
Present Progressive PronounAuxiliary: Be Verb + ingObject Iwear ing Youyour blue and yellow print shoes. He/She/Itwear ing a plain black sweater. Wearetak ing offour coat. Youare Theyaregett ing dressed up for the wedding.
GAME! -Guess who’s the character on your partner’s card. -Ask questions to find out who it is. -When both of you found it, raise your hand.
Have a nice spring break Goodbye! I hope I will see you again!