VICTIMOLOGY The study of crime victims
What are the sources of data? Police and Court statistics Police and Court statistics British Crime survey British Crime survey Local victim surveys Local victim surveys
Who are the victims of crime? What are the social characteristics of the typical victim according to police statistics and victim surveys What are the social characteristics of the typical victim according to police statistics and victim surveys Age?……. Age?……. Class……. Class……. Ethnicity?…….. Ethnicity?…….. Gender?……. Gender?…….
Age? 16 to 24 year olds experience the most violence Age? 16 to 24 year olds experience the most violence ClassLower class reported from some crimes ClassLower class reported from some crimes Ethnicity?Mixed race adults Ethnicity?Mixed race adults Gender? Men are twice as likely to be a victim than women. Women are more afriad of being victims of crime Gender? Men are twice as likely to be a victim than women. Women are more afriad of being victims of crime Men more likely to experience crimes from strangers / acquaintances while women more likely to experience domestic violence Men more likely to experience crimes from strangers / acquaintances while women more likely to experience domestic violence
Which victims are likely to be under represented in police and court statistics? Which victims are likely to be under represented in police and court statistics? Which victims do not appear in victim surveys? Which victims do not appear in victim surveys?
Feminist view Female victims are under represented in official statistics Female victims are under represented in official statistics Explain why victims of the following crimes may be under represented in official statistics Explain why victims of the following crimes may be under represented in official statistics Rape Rape Domestic violence Domestic violence Sexism in the workplace Sexism in the workplace
Crime and Deviance Chapter 13723/06/2016 Women as Victims A significant proportion of criminal activity consists of crimes against women. The majority of such crime is carried out by men and includes the use of violence. 25% of serious violence takes place within the home, ironically the place where women feel most secure. 1 in 4 women are victims of domestic violence, 1 in 10 each year. Such crimes against women are subject to significant underreporting.
Crime and Deviance Chapter 13823/06/2016 Rape The Home Office (2001) reported that 1 in 20 women aged had been raped, 45% by their current partners. Rape is related to the association of masculinity with power, dominance and toughness – not sexual desire. A substantial number of rapists appear to be only able to become sexually aroused after they have terrorised and degraded their victims. Susan Brownmiller (1975) argues that rape is part of a system of male intimidation keeping women in fear.
Crime and Deviance Chapter 13923/06/2016 Domestic Violence Betsy Stanko (2000) found an act of domestic violence is committed every 6 seconds in Britain. It is estimated that a quarter of all violent crimes committed are "domestics“. In 45-70% of cases, the father inflicts violence on the children as well as the mother (BMA Report, 1998).
Crime and Deviance Chapter /06/2016 BMA Report on Domestic Violence (1998) More than 1 in 4 women experience domestic violence in their lives. 1 in 10 women experience domestic violence every year. Violence ranges from being punched, choked, bitten, burning, starving and knifing, to being forced to have sex against their will. Domestic violence is more likely to occur during pregnancy.
Crime and Deviance Chapter /06/2016 Meanings of Domestic Violence Public admission of the violence present in their family can make women feel a strong sense of failure. Support for battered partners is not always forthcoming from police, family, friends, or the welfare services. The police traditionally regarded ‘domestics’ as private matters and reluctant to intervene. From 1990s the Home Office have instructed the police to treat domestic violence the same as any form of violence.
Crime and Deviance Chapter /06/2016 Key Factors in Explaining Women as Victims The sexual objectification of women: women as property. The relationship between crime and the wider patriarchal social control of women in society. Traditional gender role socialisation (male = dominant). The link between the ‘crisis of masculinity’ (powerlessnes at work, divorce, unemployment) and crimes against women. Men’s reaction to the feminisation of the labour force and the growing economic and cultural power of women
Crime and Deviance Chapter /06/2016 AO2 Exam Evaluation Points In evaluating the ‘women as victims’ situation reference should be made to the significant contribution of feminism in raising our awareness and understanding. However, some might question whether feminists have exaggerated male power and/or the extent of female victimisation. Answers might recognise social changes, for example the increasing level of violent crime committed by females against females.
Women as victims activity Read the ppt – Women as Victims and using all the information from this topic so far, complete the sentences. Read the ppt – Women as Victims and using all the information from this topic so far, complete the sentences. The Home Office reports that 1 in 20 women aged have been raped however…….. The Home Office reports that 1 in 20 women aged have been raped however…….. With the growth of feminism and women’s rights men may find it difficult to express power over women. An example of this is in the………………….. With the growth of feminism and women’s rights men may find it difficult to express power over women. An example of this is in the………………….. Masculinity is therefore sometimes expressed in the domestic situation for example though …………………………….. Masculinity is therefore sometimes expressed in the domestic situation for example though …………………………….. In recent years the police have treated perpetrators of domestic violence more like ordinary offenders. This may due to…………………………….. In recent years the police have treated perpetrators of domestic violence more like ordinary offenders. This may due to…………………………….. The argument that crime is a masculine phenomenon can be criticised because ……………………………… The argument that crime is a masculine phenomenon can be criticised because ……………………………… Violence by men against women could be seen more as a working-class phenomena because …………….. Violence by men against women could be seen more as a working-class phenomena because …………….. Crime and Deviance Chapter /06/2016
Anti racists Victims of racist crime are under represented Victims of racist crime are under represented Explain why victims of the following crimes might not report the crimes against them Explain why victims of the following crimes might not report the crimes against them Racism in the workplace Racism in the workplace Racist attacks Racist attacks
Marxist view Victims of corporate crime or white collar crime are under represented in the official statistics Victims of corporate crime or white collar crime are under represented in the official statistics Explain why victims of the following crimes may be under represented Explain why victims of the following crimes may be under represented Contraventions of trading standards Contraventions of trading standards Contraventions of healthy and safety legislation Contraventions of healthy and safety legislation Industrial pollution Industrial pollution Fraud Fraud
Hierarchy of victimisation (Carbine 2000) Place the following victims of assault in order of public sympathy Place the following victims of assault in order of public sympathy Child Child Elderly person Elderly person Young man Young man Homeless person Homeless person
Victim - blaming “ It is the height of impudence for any girl to hitch hike at night “ (Judge Bertrand Richards 1982) “ It is the height of impudence for any girl to hitch hike at night “ (Judge Bertrand Richards 1982) Women who say no do not always mean “no” (Judge Wild 1982) Women who say no do not always mean “no” (Judge Wild 1982)
True or False 1. Police generally treat female victims sympathetically. 1. Police generally treat female victims sympathetically. 2. Victims are entitled to compensation from the government. 2. Victims are entitled to compensation from the government. 3. Elderly people are the age group most likely to be murdered. 3. Elderly people are the age group most likely to be murdered. 4. The British Crime Survey tells us about crimes that have not been reported to the police. 4. The British Crime Survey tells us about crimes that have not been reported to the police.
5. The government has shown its concern for victims by setting up Childline, rape crisis centres and women’s refuges. 5. The government has shown its concern for victims by setting up Childline, rape crisis centres and women’s refuges. 6. Victim Support supports vulnerable witnesses as well as victims of crime. 6. Victim Support supports vulnerable witnesses as well as victims of crime. 7. Official statistics for bicycle theft are fairly accurate because victims report them to claim insurance. 7. Official statistics for bicycle theft are fairly accurate because victims report them to claim insurance. 8. ‘Secondary victimization’ means the suffering experienced by relatives and friends of a victim. 8. ‘Secondary victimization’ means the suffering experienced by relatives and friends of a victim. 9. Women are the gender most likely to be victims of violence. 9. Women are the gender most likely to be victims of violence.