What is it? Fad dieting is a popular trend, but it is not a healthy way to lose weight. What is a fad diet? “A fad diet is a weight loss plan or aid that promises dramatic results. These diets typically don't result in long- term weight loss and they are usually not very healthy. In fact, some of these diets can actually be dangerous to your health” (“Nutrition for Weight Loss”).
Types of Fad Diets Diet TypeSome Examples Controlled Carbohydrates Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet Protein Power Sugar Busters The Zone High Carbohydrate/Lo w Fat Dr. Dean Ornish: Eat More, Weigh Less The Good Carbohydrate Revolution The Pritikin Principle Controlled Portion Sizes Dr. Shapiro's Picture Perfect Weight Loss Volumetrics Weight-Control Plan Food Combining Fit for Life Suzanne Somers' Somersizing Liquid Diets Cambridge Diet Slim-Fast Diet Pills/Herbal Remedies Dexatrim Natural Hydroxycut Metabolife 356 (“Nutrition for Weight Loss”).
How to Recognize Fad Diets Claim to help you lose weight very quickly (more than 1 or 2 pounds per week). Remember, it took time for you to gain unwanted weight and it will take time to lose it. Promise that you can lose weight and keep it off without giving up "fatty" foods or exercising on a regular basis. If a diet plan or product sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Base claims on "before and after" photos. Offer testimonials from clients or "experts" in weight loss, science or nutrition. Remember that these people are probably being paid to advertise the diet plan or product. Draw simple conclusions from complex medical research. Limit your food choices and don't encourage you to get balanced nutrition by eating a variety of foods. Require you to spend a lot of money on things like seminars, pills or prepackaged meals in order for the plan to work (“Nutrition for Weight Loss”). As a general rule, steer clear of diets or diet products that do any of the following:
Alternatives to Fad Dieting The best way to lose weight is not a diet. A combination of eating food you like, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle are the key (Dansinger).
More Alternatives “Losing weight is as simple as it is difficult. To lose weight you need to eat less calories than you burn. Increase your activity level and decrease the amount of calories you consume and you will lose weight” (“Information about Fad Diets”).
Dansinger, Michael. “Losing Weight Without Fad Diets.” WebMD. WebMD, LLC, Web. 18 Nov “Information about Fad Diets.” 30 Ways to Lose the Same 5 Pounds., Web. 18 Nov “Nutrition for Weight Loss: What You Need to Know About Fad Diets.” American Academy of Family Physicians, Dec Web. 18 Nov Works Cited