What The Agricultural Industry Is Doing Now A Focus On “Nutrient Service Providers” Douglas Busdeker The Andersons, Inc. & Ohio AgriBusiness Association
A management strategy!
1. Consider all essential elements 2. Consider all nutrient sources 3. Provide nutrients plants can use 1. Soil test 2. Tri-State recommendation 3. Economic considerations 4. Consider Cost-Benefit 5 Production History 1. Assess timing of crop uptake 2. Apply close to crop use 3. Consider environmental loss 1.Consider where roots grow 2.Place nutrients to benefit plants 3.Fit needs of tillage system 4.Manage spatial variability THE BASIC SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES OF MANAGING CROP NUTRIENTS ARE UNIVERSAL
4R Nutrient Stewardship Building public trust
Ag Retailers Certified Crop Advisors Crop Consultants Certified Agronomists Not Farmers
Education Record Keeping 4R Nutrient Stewardship Implementation Private 3 rd Party Evaluation Continual Improvement Assurance of BMP’s 4R Certified Ag Retailers Crop Advisers Service Providers
NSP influence at the farm gate Supports all 4R Nutrient Stewardship concepts. Assures NSP is trained in 4R’s Assures nutrient use follows 4R’s Can influence use of improved BMP’s Initial focus Western Lake Erie Basin
Launched in March of 2014
One of 17 Essential Nutrients for Plant Growth. Commercial fertilizer is responsible for 40 to 60% of the world’s food supply.
OTHER ACTIVITIES IN WLEB Cover Crops Buffer strips OSU/ARS “Edge of Field Study” Drainage Control Structures Strip Tillage Gypsum Soil Health focus Nutrient Efficiency Enhancers
OHIO LEGISLATIVE EFFORT Senate Bill 1 April 2, 2015 Ohio Law Mandatory Certification Anyone that applies fertilizer >50 Acres Application Only Ohio Law WLEB – Rivers Specified Application -Frozen, Snow Covered or Saturated Soils >1” rain fall in 24 Hrs. Senate Bill 150 May 2014 SB150 & SB 1 were fully supported by the Ohio AgriBusiness Association Agricultural Pollution Abatement Fertilizer Application Certification
The American Farmer is the best steward of the land..! Today’s Farmer Feeds 155 people world wide 1960 – 25 people 1940 – 19 people
Clean Water Clean Lakes Improved Crops Clean Water Clean Lakes Improved Crops Thank You!