C5 - Population Ecology
Read & Consider C.5.1 What techniques do we already know for estimating population?
Mark, Release, Recapture (MRR) or Lincoln index – this is a method of estimating population size (N) of mobile animals.
o Fish mortality o Spawning stock biomass (SSB) o Recruitment o Landings
Fish are crucial to many human populations, but the majority are exploited commercially. Populations are shared by a number of harvesting countries. MSY is the maximum average catch a stock can sustain over a long period of time.
Read & Consider C.5.2 – C.5.5 Draw a graph of what you think human population growth has done over time.
o Natality – Birth rate may vary o Mortality – Death rate may vary o Emigration – Members of the population move to new habitats o Immigration – New members arrive from other habitats Density-independent factors Density-dependent factors
1.Lag Phase 2.Exponential Growth Phase 3.Transitional Phase Plateau Phase
1.Space 2.Resources 3.Waste accumulation 4.Disease 5.Predation or Herbivory Carrying Capacity – The level at which population stabilizes in an ecosystem. (populations are naturally self regulating)
Top-Down Limitation vs. Bottom-Up Limitation
"10 Species You Might Spot in California's Underwater Parks." Ocean Conservancy:. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Mar Bryna. "Bryna's Views on Our Growing Population." Bryna's Views on Our Growing Population. N.p., 6 Apr Web. 11 Mar